Chapter XXXVI ~ Thonia

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The storm went on until the afternoon of the next day. Joshua left as soon as the electricity came back and the flood subsided. There weren't so much damage in our village but the provinces did experience worse according to the news I had heard and watched. The classes resumed two days after.

The rain stopped and the sun already rose clearly outside, but Asaila's eyes were flooding with tears as she told me her current status with Arthur the Round Head. I knew it. I never should have trusted the guy from the beginning. But blaming my friend for not believing in me felt inappropriate, instead, I should just stay with her and just be with her through this drama.

"He was still hanging out with his ex-girlfriend in school!" She sobbed while we were on the farthest table of the school library.

"How'd you know?" I asked although it seemed clear.

"I saw their messages on-line! I think he planned it for me to see, or they were both so dumb not to remember I know his password." She shook her head, trying to lower her voice but it ended up like a hiss. "I hate this feeling!"

I was sitting infront of her and held her hand on the table. "You passed your entire past break ups. I know you can do this one."

She covered her face with her palm and cried. "I don't know... This one is different. I don't know if I will ever recover." She said that line everytime but she eventually would, even faster than I expected. She always got to recover and move on, regardless of the time.

"Is your break-up official? As in zero percent chance?"

She nodded. "I love him but our relationship won't work anymore."

"Because of loyalty?"

She wiped her eyes. "Yeah, and he also planned to study college in a faraway university. I don't believe in Long-distance relationships. I know my parents spent half of the year without each other and still successfully manage to be happy, but I feel that I can't do that. I would die of longing and nostalgia." Her father, Mr. Visca was a Marine Engineer while her mother works at home. "I also stalked the girl and she was going there too!" The librarian eyed us suspiciously but looked away afterwards. "I was the one to break up. It will all end there eventually once he is away." She combed her hair using her fingers and tried to smile. "Now, you're not alone in your moving on journey. Your own bestfriend will be accompanying you. Cheers to being single!" She raised a fist up for me to knock it but I hesitated. I cursed myself because I hadn't told her about me and Joshua.

I was about to explain when someone placed a hand on my elbow. I turned and saw Josh standing behind me. "Josh," I said. My breath hitched again because seeing him outside my house made me insecure and conscious about everything I said and did to him, I froze. He grinned and gazed at me. No words, because the world seemed to stop until his grin turned into a smile then he said, "I am glad you're safe."

"Tha-thanks." I stuttered. I took a deep breath then laughed at how I felt when he arrived. I tried to act normal although the feeling of awkwardness and shyness were dominant. He was about to sit beside me when he saw Asaila with red nose and blood-shot eyes. "Can I?" he asked.

Asaila stared at me, remained silent and bowed her head on the table, careless. "Sure," I answered and mouthed: Probs.

Josh nodded. We went silent again then he looked at me. "PharmaSilva is hosting an outreach program in Leyte for the storm victims. I asked the Student Government to join, same with other volunteers."

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