Chapter XVIII~ Joshua

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"If you love someone, you have to love her with all of your heart."

Thonia's hair was tied in a pony tail. Her hair was naturally mixed with some parts dark, others had low levels of dark pigment eumelanin. She lectured Kennard about love. I should not be here but something in her voice made me listen. Not to count, Fredd would not let me go. "Listen, man. You need this!" he had said whenever I tried to stand up. I just shook my head and looked away. I saw Nicole outside the coffee shop where we were having lunch. She laughed and turned to our direction. She smiled and waved. I simply smiled and looked back to my friends.

"Why don't you try it to Nicole, Josh?" Fredd slapped my shoulder.

"What about to Thonia?" Asaila suddenly grinned at me. She was somehow annoying, huh? Maybe it took Thonia too much patience to be with her best friend. I still did nott get why Fredd had to invite them. "Ow!" Asaila suddenly said and reached to touch her foot. Did someone kick her?

"Don't turn the hot seat on me. You were just talking about Kennard." I raked my hair.

"Don't be so serious. I was just joking." Asaila smiled apologetically; she was a littleweird. "Ken, you really have to hurry. She and Jason are getting closer."

Kennard leaned his elbows on the table and buried his hands. "My hope is failing me, guys."

"Come on, don't be ridiculous," Fredd patted his shoulder. "That's why I brought Thonia here to give us 'Love Knowledge 101.'" He air-quoted the words.

Thonia rolled her eyes. "I told you, I don't give 'Love Knowledge 101.'" she imitated Fredd. "I'm here for the free drinks." She raised her cup and sipped.

"Thanks, for the drinks," Asaila raised hers as well. We all had free drinks and cake slices courtesy of Fredd.

"But still, we need to hear girl's point-of-view of these things." Fredd said, finishing his third slice of cake.

"I doubt she thinks like normal girls." I said, gesturing at Thonia.

Thonia glared at me and placed her cup down. "Excuse me?" Asaila giggled out of nowhere. Okay, I took it back, Asaila was not a little weird. She was totally weird... and crazy.

I laughed because of Thonia's reaction. "Nevermind."

"Guys!" Fredd exclaimed; we all looked at him. She beamed and stood. "Mary's here, have to go." He welcomed Mary and her friend, and they sat on another table across from us.

"Will he still pay what we ordered?" Kennard asked, eating his food.

"He should, or else we'll kill him." I answered.

"Thonia, I have to go. I don't want Arthur to see me with bunch of guys." Bunch? Only Kennard and I were left and who would think we went out with these two? Huh. Yeah, I admitted they looked fine and all, but still...

Thonia studied us both and said to her friend, "I'm coming with you." She stood and grabbed her unfinished cup. "Josh, we have to finish the papers later."

I nodded, I almost forgot. "See you here after school." She nodded and they took off.

Kennard brought out his phone. "I'll try to call her."

"Go ahead, Ken. Act like I am not here at all." I wandered my eyes around the shop. It was here long since I had the permission to go outside alone with friends when I was in lower school. The place was still cozy and comfortable as before. My eyes landed on the painting hanging on the wall right above the glass window beside our table. I went here for years but I noticed its significance just now:

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