Chapter XXXXV ~ Thonia

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Keep shimmering,



I lay flat on my bed even though it was already noon while touching the watch Josh gave me on my neck. Random thoughts hit my mind unwelcomed.

I guessed this holiday would end up just like any other holidays when I would just stay in my room and let my family take me somewhere until I would go back to my room...

What would happen after high school? It seemed so far, months from now, but I knew it would come faster than I expected and when I was already there, I would remember this day that I was just thinking about it because today would eventually become a yesterday just like any other yesterdays...

Stop the drama, Thones! I scolded myself. How many times did I have to remind myself Josh would not take the scholarship, even if he would like to, it was for the best of his career. It could give him perks and benefits.

My phone rang. I ignored it because it might be Josh, and I was not ready to talk to him just yet. I was afraid I'd be the reason why he wouldn't take the chance; in the end I would end up cursing myself. I just let my phone ring. Fur Elise, the ringtone reminded me of him. After the call died down, it rang again. This time my guilt was pressing me so I checked my phone. Two missed calls from Asaila and a voice mail. I sighed in disappointment. I thought Joshua was calling me, but there was no single message.

I opened Asaila's voicemail. "Hi, are you free?" She paused. "Uhm, let's watch a movie? Call me."

I called. "I think your voice mail is for Rhed not me."

She smirked. "Nope, but I was practicing on how to make a move on him though, so will you come with me?"

"Today?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah," she said like it was very obvious. "Right now!"

"I haven't had a bath."

I heard her sighed. "Well you can take a bath now so we can finish the movie early."

"Okay, okay."

"Thanks for letting me sit beside Jack last night in Josh's fancy car. It was like one of the highlights of my Christmas Party."

"I'll go now, bye." I said and hung up before she even elaborated gross thoughts about my brother. I was too lazy to get up but I needed something to do to clear my mind.

After I fixed myself, I went to the mall where I should see Asaila. She wore a blue dress and heels. Her c sitting on the side of the fountain. She gave a ticket to me and grinned. "My treat," she said and started walking.

"Thanks," I replied.

"So," she folded her arms. "I was thinking if I should ask Rhed out because I won't be seeing him once he went to his province before Christmas, but I realized it's not that easy so I asked you instead."

"So, I'm an option." I concluded frankly.

"No! I mean, somehow, but I wasn't even serious about asking Rhed out. Why? If Josh and you weren't together, could you ask a boy for a date even you're a girl?" She looked at me and raised a brow.

If Josh and I weren't together. "Maybe?" I said. "I don't know. Maybe, because sometimes what we're used to became so cliché that it's better to try it the other way around."

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