Chapter XXXXI ~ Thonia

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My hair smelled smoke and dust from the shore and the bonfire. After the group-sharing, Liza clung her arms in mine and brushed my shoulder. "I am sorry about your dog," I said.

She covered her mouth and laughed. "I felt bad that it is the worst thing that happened to me so far. I know it's worthless." We walk back to the covered court. I coughed because of the smoke from the extinguished bonfires. She removed her arm and completely covered her face using her hands. "Don't be sorry," I said. "You actually did great in facilitating our small group."

She stopped, looked at me and brushed her face. "Thonia, how are you and Joshua?"

I sneered at the awkward question. "Fine," I shrugged. "What about you and Rick?"

She bit her lips and started walking again. "We... we will go to the same college."

"Oh," I said. "Good for the both of you." I wished I had a chance to go to college with Josh, but that's going to be impossible. He'll go to a big university while I deserved to be in a smaller university or state college.

By the time we reached the covered court, it was almost deserted. I guessed that the people we helped were sent home and the other volunteers were busy cleaning up or fixing our camp.

"Why is everyone so excited?" Liza asked beside me. She had said that because the remaining handful of people left inside were laughing and talking excitedly.

"Liza!" Rick approached us. "Come on, get ready."

"Ready for what?" Liza was as confused as I am. Rick just smiled and gave Liza a glow stick bracelet.

"Excuse me," I said and went to Asaila who was having her moment with Rhed.

"Oh, hi Thones!" Asaila grinned and glanced from where I had been. "Got a new bestfriend, huh?" She turned raised her brow and folded her arms.

I rolled my eyes and look at Rhed. "Hi." I smiled.

Asaila noticed my plan to tease her with him so she hugged me and said with loud sarcasm, "Oh, hi Thonia, welcome back. Come here, we'll give you your glow sticks."

I pulled away from her arms. "Enough arm hugs for the day." I said and saw that she was full of glow sticks or glow bands from her head, to her neck and wrists. "What's with the sticks?"

"A concert," Rhed answered for her and he gave me five unopened glow sticks.

Asaila snatched one from my hand and bent it to open the glow. "First, you bend it. Second, place it on your wrists. You can also make a chain to put on your head or neck like mine." She lit up all my glow sticks.

I stared at her and Rhed with total confusion and curiosity. "What concert are you talking about?"

Asaila glanced at Rhed and giggled. "Let's go find out." She grabbed my hand and we ran outside.

"Asaila, slow down!" I protested but she did not listen. We just continued running through the trees that I remembered the path to the beach. We got out from the shade of trees and the view set in to me. There were tents on the sand very close to the waves and at the other side, there were spot lights and tiny bits of colors either glowsticks, stars, or fireflies. "What's happening?" I asked for the hundredth time. Rhed caught up with us and I almost could not catch my breath.

Asaila smiled as she closed her eyes and felt the wind dramatically. "Asaila!" I shouted. She got into her senses and rolled her eyes. "I hate you for interrupting me. I'm keeping up with nature, get it?"

"Are we going there or not?" I pointed to the area where they said 'the concert' will be. Then I suddenly hit myself with a thought, The Mayday Parade concert was happening already and I was here in a faraway island with a random attempt of a concert.

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