Chapter XXIX ˜ Thonia

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I went out of my room and smelled Jack's cooking. He frequently made our breakfast whenever he had free mornings and late classes.

"Smells good!" I sat on one of the stools and peeked on what was causing the smell. I was not a fan of veggies but since he had a magic to turn them into delicious meals, I enjoyed eating them. This morning, he was making fried asparagus wrapped with bacon, Basparagus, as what he called them.

"Goodmorning," he said and shrugged when he saw my curious look. "I was beaten by you yesterday. Consequence."

I giggled and placed the piece of paper I was holding on the counter. "I should beat you often, then?"

He glanced at me and laughed. "Doubt you can," he said and placed the plate full of Basparagus next to me. The smell made me crave. "What's this?" he gestured to the paper.

I gave it to him. "Read," I said. He opened it but I snatched it back before he even read more. "Not now, later!"

He raised a brow at me. "Move on?"

"Simple ways and things, all those nonsense I make."

"If it's nonsense why are you giving me?"

I smiled. "Because I know you like nonsense too." He smirked and sat beside me. I attempted to get one Basparagus but he swiped my hand away. "What?" I asked, angry that I did not get what I was craving for.

"Patience," he said. "We'll wait for them."

"Mom and Jude are here?" We rarely had breakfast together completely. Mom had weekend jobs and woke up late, Jude often go to his girlfriend's house, and Jack had some business too but I guess he felt pity for me that's why he spent more time at home.

He nodded. "Yes and his girlfriend."

"Grace slept here?!" I knitted my brows. After I moment I covered my mouth because she might've heard my shock.

"Goodmorning." We turned and saw our mother. I smiled at her. "Yum, never knew I am this hungry."

Jack offered the plate to mom and she got one. I complained, "How come Mom can already get one and I can't?"

Jack got one too and took a bite. "Wait for Jude."

Mom sat on the dining table. "They'll be here any moment."

I sat in front of her and left Jack at the counter. "Did Grace really sleep here?"

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Uh-huh, she slept beside me."

Jack chuckled. "Wow, mom, that's... cool."

Mom sighed as she made her cup of coffee. "It's Sunday, right? Any plans?" She glanced at the both of us.

"Thonia will be free from her grounds, let's celebrate?" My brother said. I remembered what my friends planned again, but doubted they still remembered considering the fact that they had party last night.

"Ohh, well, Thonia," she took a long sip from her cup. Mom plus coffee plus serious tone were not what I was looking forward for. "Even though you're already not grounded, be mindful of the time, okay? Text us or call us, just let us know beforehand, not after. Anxiety can kill a person, remember!"

I nodded and she added, "Don't sleep inside whoever's car again. You don't know what might happen, or you can get suffocated!"

I immediately glanced at Jack who knew what truly happened that night. It was not just because I slept in a car, but because I spent it with Josh. In silence, I thanked him in my mind because he did not tell them what I did, which added more guilt to my seemingly innocent mind.

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