Chapter XVIII - Scarecrow

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Wednesday 8th, April, 19:05.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

It was interesting to watch the boy struggle to work and fit in with his new 'team.' He chaffed under Batmans leadership due to disliking the heroes rule of no killing and what that rule had resulted in. This in turn, related to how well he worked with Batmans protégé's, Batgirl and Robin. They too shared Batmans rule of no killing and in turn, the effects were the same.

Naruto Uzumaki was an interesting individual for a number of reasons.

He had the raw talent and potential for fighting that few had. If moulded correctly very few would be able to match the boys skill, but alas, if he continued as he was he would never realise his true potential.

Second, he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He may have shied away from the act as of recently, rarely getting involved in the vigilante business after his near brush with death at the hands of Deadshot. None the less, he had wasted no time in killing criminals again, the dead bodies of a number of criminals at the dockyards could attest to that.

And last but not least, he was different.

He was not of the same breed as those normal people, the ants the rushed around the cities to continue their pathetic lives. He when pushed to the breaking point didn't shy away from the darkness and instead, embraced it whole heartedly while making sure to never lose control of himself. Not many could claim to be able to do that, especially not so young.

He also wasn't of the same breed as the Batman, the Justice League and all those other heroes. Naruto wasn't afraid to kill one life to save thousands, especially not when it came to the life of his precious, Barbara Gordon.

It was almost amusing to him, how would he react when he realised that the very girl he loved, was Batgirl? One of the heroes he so despised, what an interesting twist that would be. And so amusing to see how he would react and the consequences that would follow.

Discovering Barbara's alter ego wasn't that difficult to make once he learned that Naruto was Black Hood. His masters wanted to know if Black Hood could be turned and if not, could he be controlled? After all, when a vigilante appeared that killed, it garnered the attention of a lot of people and they would more often than not either seek to destroy or control you. Barbara was the leverage they would need to control the wildcard that was Naruto.

So in an attempt to learn more about said girl, to learn her routine and everything about her, he had come across the interesting discovery of who Batgirl really was. He never would have imagined that Jim Gordon's daughter would be the sidekick of Batman. But it would be the exact thing he needed to make Naruto submit to their rule.

But for now, it would seem that Naruto was busy.

The four heroes had already taken out the guards stationed on the roof and where making their way into the warehouse through the broken windows. He had warned Scarecrow that using such an unsecured base for not only his headquarters but production centre would work against him.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now