Chapter XLII - Mister Zsasz

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Wednesday 29th April, 19:00.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

Lazily, Naruto looked up at the sky his hands interlocked behind his head while one leg swung backwards and forwards as it dangled over the side of the building precariously. All it would take was for Naruto to move a little to the left and he would plummet to the ground below.

But he didn't, content to remain still as he took one of today's rare rest periods to relax.

It had been a busy day what with Naruto using his newfound powers to his advantage. With his previous stamina enhanced even further by the serum, Naruto no longer felt the need to rest like he had done before. Something Naruto took advantage of and spent the entire day and the last few days hunting down and putting a stop to any crime in the East End.

One thing he had realised was that he had been incredibly stupid.

Before, he had rushed around Gotham finding and putting a stop to every crime he could find. When in reality, he could have sent a greater message by focusing on East End alone. With East End's reputation, if he could reduce crime drastically, then wouldn't that send a message to the people of Gotham?

It certainly would, better than sticking to areas like Gotham Heights where the police and Batman had already made their mark.

Feeling his phone buzz, Naruto pulled it out and unlocked it as to read the message he got. 'Victor Zsasz, Gotham Heights.' Underneath it was a map with a blinking red light on it. Knowing what that meant, Naruto rose to his feet and began rushing towards the area shown on the map.

Naruto would admit that he was unsure on how to feel about Deathstroke providing him with the whereabouts of a number of criminals. Each fight he had gotten into today had been deals going on between criminals belonging to big time crime families like the Falcone and Maroni families. There had even been a few Red Hood gang members and some survivors of the False Face Society as well had started to read their heads again.

But this was by far the biggest fish Deathstroke had given him. Certainly big enough for him to leave East End.

Naruto knew what Deathstroke was trying to do. He was trying foster trust between them and it was certainly working, but Naruto had already been manipulated once and he was going to make damn sure that it didn't happen a second time.

Either way, Deathstroke was providing a great deal of help.

Victor Zsasz, or Mister Zsasz as he was often referred to by the Gotham news station was a well-known and feared psychopathic serial killer who had carved his flesh with marks for every kill he had committed. But before that he had once being the owner of his own international company and amassed a large fortune.

His parents died when he was twenty-five in a boating accident. This caused him to suffer from depression and started gambling (and losing) as well as drinking heavily. Naruto didn't know what happened after that, only that he started killing people. He had tried to dig deeper for more information, but there was nothing more than speculation and rumours. None of it sounded realistic or even remotely possible so Naruto had decided to ignore it.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin