Chapter XLIV - Suicide Squad

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

"Who are you people?" Floyd looked to see the well-built man with a goatee quickly rising to his feet having already pulled the bandage from the back of his neck. It almost amused the mercenary to see how confused someone who was quite obviously very serious and used to being in control was. "And why am I in uniform?" The man questioned as he looked down at himself.

Turning away from the man, Floyd studied the rest of the new Suicide Squad. 'Waller sure can pick 'em.' Floyd thought as he looked at them. He was annoyed to be working with George Harkness again, neither of them got along very well.

Then there was Harley Quinn, the Jokers lover, or whatever their confusing relationship was. He hadn't worked with her yet, but it was quite obvious by her reaction that she had been a part of some of the iterations of the Suicide Squad that he hadn't been a part of.

His eyes then took in the rest, each of them newbies to their situation.

Antoli Knyazev, or KGBeast an assassin and hired muscle. 'Should be interesting to work with him than against him for once.' Floyd had run into him a few times and each time they had been on opposite sides. Usually due to Antoli being hired as a bodyguard for Floyd's targets. It usually ended with Floyd walking away successful due to his superior aim, though there have been times where Antoli got a few hits in.

Crystal Frost or Killer Frost was the next person Floyd looked at. In terms of powers, she was probably the most dangerous out of all the people here. 'Which was probably the reason as to why Waller got her.'

King Shark was next, the huge creature slowly rising to his feet. No doubt due to his great physically strength and durability he would be here as the tank of the group. Especially considering the long-time member, Killer Croc had been killed by Black Hood as of a few days ago.

'Now that was surprising, who would have thought the kid had it in him.' Floyd thought honestly impressed at how good Black Hood had gotten since their last fight. But he ignored that train of thought too instead study the final two members.

The first was the black man who had asked the questions, he certainly looked impressive in terms of physique. His attitude and the casual way in which he demanded answers told Floyd that this was a guy used to getting what he wanted. Most likely from beating his enemies, which in turned implied skill.

Then his eyes turned to the final and youngest member. 'Just a kid really, though he looks like he could prove to be a serious pain in my ass.' The casual way in which he sat there on the ground as he studied people around him was honestly, a little shocking. He was obviously concerned and curious as to what had happened, but he wasn't letting that stop him from studying the people he was stuck in a room with.

The idea that he would be a problem was further confirmed when he looked at the suit the kid was wearing. A suit very familiar seen as though he had fought the Dark Knight enough to recognise the protective suit.

'Now, that is interesting.' Before Floyd could think on it further, King Shark rose to his feet, his huge frame attracting attention.

"No bars." King Shark said shortly, his voice muffled by the muzzle he wore over his mouth while he looked at his clawed hands. "No chains." His eyes then raised to look hungrily at Killer Frost who was still recovering from the drugs that had been pumped throughout her body. "Time for meat."

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