Chapter XXXIV - A Gift

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Tuesday 21st April, 08:00.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

Everything hurt.

Every movement made his muscles protest and his body scream in pain. Every breath was difficult and burned his lungs. Everything was in pain and with every step Naruto released a groan of pain.

Yet, pain was an old friend and in its own way, it served a purpose of reminding Naruto that he was alive. That against all odds, he had not only survived, but emerged victorious.

Soon after the Green Lantern – Naruto came to later know was called Hal Jordan – arrived, the undead Talon and the Talon himself had all being detained. Each of them we're currently being shipped off to Belle Reve. Well, the Talon was, the undead were being taken to an undisclosed location.

It appeared that they were connected to the Talon mentally which is why they followed his orders. When he had been knocked unconscious by Hal Jordan, the undead Talons had become silent. Naruto would not deny, he had been extremely wary when the Green Lantern had opened the door that had kept them locked away. But his worry had been for nought as they had been laid there, dead.

Or from a certain perspective, returned to their original state.

As a result, while Hal Jordan had worked quickly to free Batman from his position underneath the debris, he had then gone and taken the undead as far away as he could. It had been under Barbara instructions who had theorised that if they were connected mentally, then they might have to be within a certain range.

It was a good plan and while Naruto had stuck around to at least make sure nothing else went wrong, once he saw everything was okay, he left.

A quick phone call to the Black Hood supporter, David later and Naruto had gotten a taxi from Gotham to the East End. Alfred having given him a lift into Gotham city itself and dropping him off at an alleyway where Naruto had rested against the side of the wall.

The taxi driver appeared soon after, he too was a supporter of Black Hood and had been more than willing to give a lift to the hero he supported.

So, here he was, practically dragging himself along the corridor towards his room. The cuts littering his body had long since stopped bleeding, leaving most of his outfit stained with cuts. It was a shame really, the suit really was good and it was already ruined, but it was still better than his old outfit.

All it would take was a good clean.

The cuts in it were negligible and the suit would still provide far more protection than his old suit, that much Naruto was sure of.

Even so, the walk from the near broken lift to his room was usually short and easy. Now, it was a monstrous task. More than once Naruto had dropped to his knees and had to use the wall for support in order to help him get to his feet.

It was safe to say that he was in a worse condition than when he defeated Black Mask. But still, it was nowhere near as bad as when he had been beaten within an inch of his life by said crime lord. And so, no matter how many times Naruto's legs gave out from underneath him, Naruto rose to his feet once more.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now