Chapter XXXIX - Crocodile Hunting

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Friday 24th April, 22:30.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

The night passed away relatively quickly after that, Barbara and Jim just content to spend what rare time they had together as comfortably as possible. Due to his job as a police captain, Jim had a lot of responsibilities, more so than most due to his sense of duty which drove to him do more than would be expected of him.

Barbara on the other hand was a teenage girl in High school and as far as Jim was aware, was spending her time amongst friends. In actual fact, she was out fighting crime and making Gotham a safer place.

Thus, the time they had to spend in one another's company was small.

In most cases, this would drive a wedge between most people. But for Barbara and Jim, it only brought them closer.

Even so, despite being so close there was a great deal of secrets between them. Barbara hiding her identity as Batgirl and Jim keeping the truth of how corrupt and cruel Gotham could be from Barbara as best as he could.

"Goodnight, dad." Barbara called as she closed the door. She waited until she heard her father figure returning it and then the sound of his door closing before pulling out her phone. Quickly she scrolled through her contacts before landing on the one she wanted.

It dialled and Barbara impatiently tapped her foot on the ground. "This is Wayne Manor, may I know who is speaking?" The cultured voice of Alfred Pennyworth sounded on the other end.

"Alfred, it's me." She replied.

"Ah, miss Gordon, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Is Bruce there?"

"Just one moment." There was silence as Alfred presumably went to find Bruce and Barbara remained silent as she stared out the window. To be completely honest, she didn't know what she was going to do or say. Bruce would have known about Naruto fighting Killer Croc and would have known about Killer Croc in general.

She hadn't, Bruce had knowingly kept her in the dark about one of the most dangerous supervillains in Gotham being on the lose. There was a possibility that he would say he didn't know about it and she wouldn't buy it if that was his excuse. Bruce knew, his technology gave him access to a great deal of surveillance all over the city, he probably knew about Killer Croc being on the lose before he even started feasting.

Yet, he hadn't told her. Instead, she had to find out through the news and only got more information thanks to her dad. And now she learned that Naruto had gone out to fight Killer Croc while still injured.

The fact that her dad said he was fine and looked of be in perfect health didn't put her at ease. Naruto was very good at pretending, it was what made his pranks so good as he could pretend like nothing happened or was going to happen while waiting or watching as his prank unfolded before his very eyes. Only she had known because she helped him set up said pranks and it was always her who gave away that they were behind said pranks.

It was a constant source of teasing.

But that wasn't the point, Naruto was very good at pretending and he could no doubt convince even her dad that he was fine when he was actually the exact opposite. Only she and his mum had really been able to tell when he was pretending and yet Kushina never ratted on him because she was usually right alongside him when it came to causing mischief.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now