Chapter XX - Suspicion

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Thursday 9th, April, 00:15.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

Batman deposited the unconscious form of Naruto gently on his bed before moving into the main sitting area of the young man's apartment. As he passed the area upon which they fought he frowned at the mess, taking note of the dents in walls, the shattered table and chairs, upturned couch and the broken photo frames.

He would admit that while he had expected Naruto to attack him when he first made his appearance, he had not anticipated such a violent response. Nor had he expected Naruto to put up such a fight. Though looking back on it now, he should have expected such a response.

None the less, he did feel guilty for how badly the apartment had been destroyed and he made a note to help in the refurbishing of the place.

A groan from the bedroom made him look to see, Naruto slowly dragging himself out of bed, rubbing his head to no doubt ease the headache he was suffering from. Standing quietly, he waited as the young vigilante slowly walked into the living room, pausing slightly as he took in who was in his apartment.


Despite the obvious question in the young man's tone, Batman never gave any inclination that he had heard him, instead continuing to look out over Gotham city.

"So what happened tonight exactly?" Naruto asked and this time, Batman answered.

"You inhaled some of Scarecrows Fear Toxin and while under its influence, you attacked Batgirl allowing him to escape." Through the reflection in the mirror, Batman could see Naruto was about to speak. "Robin caught up and has captured Scarecrow. You were knocked unconscious by the explosives Robin set to disable Scarecrows production of the Fearless Toxin."

"Did anyone..."

"No." Batman replied making sure to keep quiet about how he had to lose Batgirls trail who had been unusually motivated in trying to find out Naruto's identity. Even so, he was more than capable of fooling his apprentice. She had chased them for a good twenty minutes before he finally managed to lose her, a very impressive showing from Batgirl, though at the time he hadn't been thinking that.

Releasing a sigh of relief, Naruto sat down on his couch and looked around at his room. Remembering how it had become such a mess, he groaned in annoyance at how much it would cost him to repair everything. That didn't even take into account the price and time it would take to find someone actually take to come to this part of time and do a good job.

"I will cover the cost of the repair." Batman spoke up and Naruto went to refuse outright but Batman cut him off again. "This is partly my fault and I shall take responsibility for this. Besides I have more than enough money to spare."

Despite himself, Naruto felt his lips twitch upwards at the last remark. "Alright." He accepted, knowing that it would save him a great deal of money and effort. Therefore, giving him more time to find out where those missing barrels of a Fearless Toxin had disappeared to.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now