Chapter LIII - Defeat

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Wednesday 2nd December, 23:20.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Gotham Heights.

Bruce frowned in thought as he sat in a comfortable chair listening to the auctioneer explain the latest artefacts history to come out on display. However, Bruce wasn't paying much attention and was instead trying to figure out the reasoning as to Batgirl and Robin's radio silence.

He had specifically ordered them to constantly keep him updated and the fact that they were being silent was definitely a cause for worry.

Rising to his feet, Bruce headed towards the men's bathroom, or that's what he told his date for the night anyway. "Batgirl?" He whispered only to receive nothing in return. "Robin?" Again there was nothing but silence and Bruce's frown deepened as he realised what this meant.

'I was right, someone is trying to steal it.' Heading into a nearby storeroom that he had personally scouted for the simple reason that it was hardly used. The copious amounts of dust in the room were a sign of its lack of use and Bruce reached up onto one of the nearby shelves and pulled out a small briefcase he had hidden there. Lifting the lid up, it revealed his Batman suit.

A few moments later, and Batman pushed open the door to see if anyone was in view. With it clear, Batman burst out and made his way to the roof. If Batgirl and Robin were in trouble it would allow him to see where they were.

However, what Batman didn't know that as he pushed open the door to the stairs, a little way down the corridor, the door to the security room opened and Ravager looked out.

With a smile on her face, Ravager raised one hand to ear. "Batman's on the move." She said before locking the security room behind her and then she made her way down the corridor having forgone stealth all together. The virus she had put into the security system not only served the purpose of blocking all communications except on their personal frequency, but also shut down all security cameras and other measures.

Nearing the main hall where the auction was taking place, Ravager could see the guards positioned at the doors. No more than five with more being inside and with a calm, steady walk, Ravager unsheathed the broadswords on her back and walk towards them.

"Drop your weapons!" One of the guards exclaimed as he put one hand on the gun a his side. A warning, but one Ravager ignored and so he and the other guards unholstered their guns and pointed them at Ravager.

The sound of breaking glass and the screams of people inside temporarily distracted the guards giving Ravager the opening to close the gap between them. A single slash sent one man to the ground with a deep cut on his chest. Spinning around this man, she swung her blade upwards killing another.

That's when the other guards recovered and went to fire, but it was too late. Dodging the first bullet that was fired, Ravage cut the heads off of the three remaining guards. Then with quick dash, passed the three guards and opened the doors.

A flood of people came out as soon as she did, all of their screams increasing when they noticed her bloody swords and the five guards on the floor, dead.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum