Chapter XIX - To Know Fear

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

With a gasp, Black Hood dropped to his knees and coughed trying to clear his lungs of the gas that he had inhaled. Once his coughing fit had ceased he looked around seeing the world pulsing and blurred around the edges before they locked onto the sight of Barbara being beaten by Black Mask.

He didn't know how Black Mask had come back from the grave, all he saw was Barbara rushing to get away from the very man he had feared as a child. He saw red and with a roar, charged forwards and tackled Black Mask, picking him up and slamming him into one of the wooden crates. The two burst through it and rolled across the floor before coming to a stop.

"Black Hood, what are you doing?" The deceased crime lord questioned, rising to his feet warily.

"I don't know how you're alive." Black Hood didn't answer his question and instead glared hatefully at him. "But I'll kill you again if I have to." With that, he got to his feet and charged forwards.

Meanwhile, Scarecrow looked to see Black Hood engaging Batgirl in a fight and he couldn't help but give a short laugh at this. To think, he had been so worried about four heroes turning up to stop him and it turns out that one of their little party wasn't immune to his Fear Toxin.

Whatever Black Hood was seeing was something he feared, but it also seemed that if was something that filled him with rage. An interesting combination, yet not uncommon and it worked perfectly in his favour. With Batman and Robin too busy with Killer Croc upstairs, his biggest problem had being getting past Black Hood and Batgirl and it turns out that the little problem had sorted itself out perfectly.

Still, not one to waste an opportunity to escape, Scarecrow rushed out of his base intent putting as much distance between him and the Bat Family. 'And that'll be the last time I ever work with those Owls.' He vowed mentally.

-X- Line Break -X-

Wednesday 8th, April, 19:15.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

East End.

Using Killer Crocs chest as a springboard, Robin backflipped through the air while simultaneously throwing Batarangs at the cannibalistic criminal. Still, Killer Croc had long since grown used to fighting Batman and Robin and smacked them to one side so that they harmlessly exploded away from him.

Clicking his teeth in annoyance, Robin sprang to one side avoiding the heavy crate thrown his way.

Batman himself, jumped down from the rafters, using Robins distraction to land a kick on Waylon's head. The force behind it knocked the mutated humans head down and made him bend his knees as to better absorb the impact.

With a growl, he swiped at Batman only to hit nothing but air and then hear the sound of beeping.

Knowing what this meant, he charged at Batman who had just landed on the ground only for the hero to use a grappling hook to get out of harms way. That's when the numerous charges that had been planted on his head exploded dazing the superhuman for a few moments.

But it was not enough to knock him unconscious.

"The distributions not being stopped." Robin informed his mentor, having used this break to check on what was happening downstairs.

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