Chapter XXIV - Bigger Than You Know

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 18th, April, 00:05.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Location Unknown.

Naruto was safe to say, in awe of the so called 'Batcave.' People had joked about it on the internet saying that when Batman wasn't fighting crime he was in his Batcave. To see it in person was, well intimidating.

There was a great deal of technology here, as well as what could only be momentous of past victories against previous supervillains. An odd thing to see considering he hadn't expected Batman to be the type of person to keep momentous, but from what he was seeing some these were old. The vast majority belonging to Batmans first outings as Batman and his nightly encounters with supervillains.

'I guess even Batman's the type to keep momentous of past victories. Who'd have thought?' He thought, looking over the collection in minor interest as he followed Barbara and Robin to where Batman sat at a large computer. And when he said large, he meant large. There was one big monitor, easily the width of Naruto's entire bedroom wall and was surrounded by a dozen other smaller monitors. 'Jesus, imagine what I could do with this kind of tech at my disposal.'

It certainly would have made his life easier. Much easier.

"You're alright." Barbara said in relief as the the group of three came to a stop as Batman turned around to face them. There was a brief moment where he studied Naruto's presence curiously before dismissing it entirely. "What happened?"

"I was taken." Batman responded and Naruto snorted, gaining a glare from Robin in return, though Batman continued as if he hadn't heard it. "I was knocked unconscious by the crash and when I awoke, I was in some type of atrium, surrounded by individuals clad in Owl masks. They called themselves the Court of Owls."

That got a reaction from both Naruto and Barbara, something Robin and Batman took note of.

"You know of them?" Robin asked and Barbara nodded her head.

Naruto meanwhile crossed his arms over his chest. "Yea, my mum used to tell us stories about the Court, just thought they were children's tale. You know, kind of like Santa Clause and stuff like that, a fairytale."

"Wait, us?" Robin stressed, looking between Naruto and Barbara in confusion. "Hold up, before we go any further I want to know what the deal is between you two. It's being bugging me ever since you told me you trusted him." The last part was directed at Barbara.

"I believe." Batman began before any arguments or anything else could happen. "That it would be best to at least, reveal some secrets in order to build some measure of trust. The Court are real and extremely dangerous, I believe it would be best if we at least; cleared some of the air between us."

Batman reached up and pulled his mask down much to the shock of all present.

"Seriously!" Robin exclaimed, looking at his mentor in shock before looking back to Barbara and Black Hood, the former having also pulled down her mask after getting over her shock. "Why the hell are you trusting this guy?"

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now