Chapter XLIII - Ambushed

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"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-


Reacting quickly, Naruto leaped to one side just as bullets burst through the door and parts of the wall. Keeping his chest close to the ground, Naruto waited patiently as his mind played over possible tactics. He briefly considered jumping out the window, but that's when his eyes picked up on the sight of a number of moving bodies on the roof of the next building.

'Whoever organised this is clearly good.' There was nowhere for Naruto to go and he doubted that jumping down would be any good. If the leader of this little attack had enough men to line the roof of the next building, it wasn't a stretch of the imagination that they would have more men waiting downstairs. 'Now the question is how they knew who I was and what they want?'

Before he could think more on this, the gunfire stopped and the door was kicked open. Moving quickly, Naruto rushed up and turned to see ten armoured men enter the room with guns raised, and more waiting outside.

Yet Naruto was already in motion and was upon them before they could start firing.

Smacking one gun to the side so that it fired harmless into the ground, Naruto kicked the man to the side with enough force to send him flying into the kitchen counter. Another man moved forwards and Naruto one grip on his bulletproof armour threw him across the room where he slammed into the wall of his bedroom.

A kick to the third man sent him into two more behind him dropping them to the ground and that was when he felt something pierce his side.

Looking down, Naruto noticed a dart of some kind sticking out. 'Capture then.' Naruto deduced but didn't even slow down and rushed the guy that shot him, who was flanked by four guys.

A few blows sent them all to the ground in groaning mess only for another two darts to pierce his back.

Growling, Naruto gripped the leg one soldier and swung him round into three others sending them to floor before reaching down and pulled the carpet out from underneath four more, each falling to the ground as their bullets hit the ceiling above them.

Another dart hit his back and with one hand holding the leg of his coffee table, Naruto spun round and launched it at the guy who fired. He, having moved around the corner of the room to move behind Naruto.

It worked, but Naruto was ignoring the drugs that were in the darts and continued to fight.

Six more guys dropped to the floor as more and more men piled into the room, some having repelled from the roof and bursting through the window.

'Damn it!' Naruto cursed as he stumbled slightly on his feet as he knocked one guy unconscious with a punch to the face. Only for two more guys to fire at him, he avoided one bullet only for the second to hit his leg. 'These guys are good.'

Back handing one man that attempted to sneak up on him, Naruto gripped his armoured suit and chucked him into the roof and as the man fell to the floor, Naruto kicked him with enough force to send him flying into two others where they collapsed to the ground in a heap.

Breathing heavily as the drugs started taking effect, Naruto felt his body moving sluggishly. His movements were still fast and strong, but nowhere near as crisp or as fast as they were at the start. And with more bullets managing to hit him, the effect of the drugs got stronger and stronger.

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