Chapter XV - The Fearless

Start from the beginning

Just as she was beginning to give up hope, she heard the sound of something hitting the nearby bin with enough force to send it tumbling to the ground. She, like her assailants froze, all of them looking at the bin as the rats that had been outside scurried away in fright.

Then she looked around trying to find who had thrown it, only to see that there was no one nearby and her rising hopes crumbled. "Probably just one of the rats." One of her assailants reasoned before he grabbed her top and with one final tug, ripped it clean off her body, revealing her conservative bra. "Wooh, finally." He leered at her, a cruel grin on his face as he licked his lips slowly.

"Come on, boys." Another said, pushing her up against the wall and widening the rip on her skirt. "Lets have some fun."

While she and the men pinning her to the wall where unaware, in those few moments another figure had appeared. Having used the distraction caused by the bin, he entered the alleyway out of sight and moved along, keeping to the shadows as best as he could. Then, with great stealth grabbed the furthest man back, the very same man that had started to undo his trousers and stabbed a knife into his neck. Before the man could even gurgle and grunt, a hand came around and covered his mouth, silencing his death.

In most cases, such a thing would never have gone unnoticed in such a tight space. Yet, the other two thugs were too focused on the half naked, struggling woman in front of them.

And so, the mysterious figure pulled the thug to the ground and gently placed him down as to not make any noise. He then rose up and saw that the man pinning the woman to the floor had nearly freed his manhood and so, stopped sticking to stealth and instead went for surprise.

With a single throw, he launched the knife in his hand straight at the man pinning the woman to the wall and it impaled him directly in the back of his knee.

A scream of pain escaped his lips as he dropped to his knees, looking back to see what had impaled him. He saw the knife and the blood pooling out and then looked to see where it had come from, his other friend having the same idea. Yet it was too late, the mysterious figure was upon him, a roundhouse kick to the knee sent the second figure to the ground, his leg breaking with sickening crunch.

Continuing with the motion, the figure punched the second man in the face before walking to the guy with the knife in his hands, having removed it from his leg. He was on his feet, unable to fully put pressure on the injured limb and with a roar, swung at the figure with a wild swing.

With ease, the figure parried the strike and slammed an elbow into his face, breaking the man's nose and sending his head whipping back. Yet, before the assailant could stumble back in a daze, the figure gripped the back of his head and repeatedly slammed his elbow into the man's face before letting him drop to the ground unconscious.

Releasing a breath, the figure took the knife that had slipped from the thugs fingers and while still on his knees, impaled the man's manhood, instantly waking the unconscious man as he screamed out in pain.

Leaving the thug to curl up in a ball sobbing, he then looked to see the final thug trying to crawl away and walked forwards. As he neared, the thug turned over and looked up at the mysterious figure with tears in his eyes.

"Please, I beg you, let me go." He begged, his eyes wide and his hands interlocked, almost as if he was praying.

"You should have thought about that before trying to rape an innocent woman, scum." He then stomped on the man's head with enough force that when it struck the ground it bounced off, only to be met with a second stomp that knocked the man out for good and simultaneously cracking his head open.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now