They Made Like Usain and Bolted

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Chapter 55:

Jessica's POV:

"JESSICAAAA!" a tiny voice shouted from somewhere in my apartment. I sighed and pulled at my hair for a second before composing myself. "JESSICA!"

"Yes?" I shouted back. I looked over my shoulder to see Bailey, the girl half of Grace and Daryl's twins, bounce into the living room. She looked exactly like her father with long brown hair and dark eyes. She was such a cutie.

"Why do you keep playing the same song over and over and over and over," she continued repeating herself while spinning in a circle, and I grinned. I allowed her to keep going until she was too dizzy to continue. She plopped on her butt and moaned.

"Yeah, why do you keep playing the same song?" Bailey's twin, Mason, chimed in. He, on the other hand, looked just like his mother with blonde hair and green eyes. It was like each child inherited the exact traits from one of the parents.

He sat on my sofa, playing with some superhero action figures. I wanted to cry because he's so adorable.

I paused the song I had been playing aloud at a low volume. It was my single, "Solider," that I have been toying with for the past half-hour. Lauren informed me that I really need to be working on putting together an album, which I have been, but that I also need to think of ideas for a music video.

She explained that "Solider" needed a music video, and that I should be brainstorming ideas for it right now. So here I am, listening to the song on repeat and trying to picture what sort of video would perfectly capture it.

"It's because it's me singing, and I love hearing myself sing so much," I joked. Once I saw their confused faces, I regretted what I said. Their expressions slowly changed into ones of entertainment, but it was obvious they didn't know why they were smiling. They're not advanced enough to understand yet, I suppose. "I'm just kidding."

"Why?" Bailey asked. She stood and ran to where I sat.

She stood on her toes to peek over the edge of the table at my notes. I had about 120 songs that I needed to narrow down to about 15. I had no life.

"Do you like music videos?" I asked, hoping she would know what that is. I feel like I'm underestimating their knowledge slightly, but I'm not around children that often. I don't know what their ages know and don't know.

"Yes!" Bailey screeched.

"Well, I'm making one, and I need an idea for this song," I explained slowly. Who knows, maybe she'll give me the solution since I've been stressing myself out.

"You're making one? How?"

"I get to pick what it looks like because it's my song."

"Oh..." Bailey stepped back from the table with her eyebrows furrowed. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and ignored it. "Um," she started, then skipped off in the direction of my bedroom.

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I noticed a missed call from Justin that I ignored earlier. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to him, so I let it ring. The recent notification displayed a text from Louis, and I opened it.

I'm very bored. Are you doing anything?

I glanced at Mason and listened to him mimic the sound of a girl screaming in terror. I looked back to my phone and replied.

I'm actually babysitting my neighbor's kids. I'm sorry :(

I'm not sure why Grace and Daryl trusted me with their kids so quickly, but I didn't question it. Their usual babysitter, the old woman on the floor below us, is too old-fashioned for the twins' liking. They were ecstatic to hear they had a cool babysitter for once. And, for the record, they both called me cool.

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