CHAPTER 25 - Hero Blaze

Start from the beginning

"EVERYBODY! HANDS UP WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" Two weaponed men yelled as they burst in through the doors, startling everyone. On reflex, Izuku jumped in front of Ochako to protect her. He knew, of course, that she is very capable herself, but you know, it's just his overprotective instincts.

Everyone had taken fighting stances, activating their quirks. Fortunately, Izuku quickly noticed who the men were and relaxed. "It's alright everyone. They won't hurt us."

"You know them, Midori?" Ashido asked, relaxing her muscles.

"Jacob, Noah," Izuku said as he looked at the two men. "Put down your weapons and give me a brief explanation of what's exactly going on." the greenette ordered with a tick-mark on the side of his forehead. The guards surely didn't dare to betray Izuku after what the last two did.

"What makes you think they'll listen to you, you dumb nerd!" Lord Explosion Murder mockingly shouted, making Izuku sweatdrop.

"We're very sorry for this, Your Highness, but it was an order," Jacob answered, while he and Noah bowed and put their weapons back where they were supposed to be.

"WHAT IS THIS "YOUR HIGHNESS" CRAP? HUH, SHITTY DEKU?!" Bakugou yelled, his explosions going off in a threatening matter.

"Not now, Kacchan." Izuku simply responded looking back at his guards.

"YOU DARE BRUSH ME OFF?!" the pomeranian-like human yelled ready to blast off towards the broccoli-head. Luckily Kirishima and Kaminari were just in time to stop him.

"WHOA! Calm down Bakubro!" Kirishima said as he held him back by one of his arms.

"Yeah! It's just starting to get interesting!" Kaminari said holding the blonde boy's other arm. It seemed like he was ready to grab a large-sized popcorn and watch them as if they were in a movie.

Izuku who couldn't do anything other than ignoring his silly classmates started talking with his guards again after letting out a big sigh. "Who exactly ordered you?" he asked as he looked them dead in the eyes.

"Who do you think?" a very familiar person asked as she entered through the already wide-open doors. You have to be kidding me... the greenette thought.

"Hero Blaze at your service!"

"Blaze?" Izuku repeated the girl's word.

"Oh! I never told you my hero name? Well, now you know it!" she said.

Izuku sweatdropped at the blonde's words. "W-what are you doing here anyway?"

"Midori? Isn't she your...sister?" Ashido asked with the most confused look on her pink face.

"Yeah, I am! Although I would've appreciated a hug instead of such a rude question." his elder sister said raising one eyebrow at Izuku. Not in confusion, but to show that she's irritated. "Is being royalty getting to you, Izuku?"

"No, it's not!" Izuku quickly pulled Amelia to a corner with his red face. "I haven't told anyone yet!" he whisper-yelled.

"Great! Then now is your chance to tell everyone."


"If you don't, I'll tell them for you."

"F-fine!" Izuku's face was flushed. He wasn't ready to tell his classmates yet. He hadn't even planned the whole scenario in his head. This was all too sudden.

Amelia was starting to walk towards the confused class that was watching them from afar, wondering what they were talking about. Izuku hurried to Amelia's side thinking she would expose him before he even had the chance to say anything.

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