You Can't Handle the Truth: Final Part

Start from the beginning

Tears spring to your eyes at his confession, and you're not sure what to say to it. You know you deserve him and only him, but he did act like a dick before. Granted, you may have brought it on, but that's in the past. You're going to have a baby with him, but you're not sure how he's going to react now.

"What I'm good at is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer. There's no changing that. I know that now," he sighs.

Veritas pats him on the shoulder and moves onto you after she sees your tears.

"And what about you? What do you have to say to that?" she asks.

"I have nothing to say," you whisper.

"You're lying to me."

"Sorry, got kind of an angel on my shoulder. Call it darkness, if you will," you snark.

"Amara, of course," she glares threateningly and moves to Sam.

She knows she can't get to you no matter how hard she tries, so she opts for the easier target.

"So, Sam walking back into your life must have been a relief. Hmm? Mallory to your Mickey. And how do you feel about the band getting back together? Hmm, Sam?" she asks as she takes a seat next to him.

"Look, what we do is hard," he sighs, "but we watch out for each other. That's what's important. That's it. That's the truth."

"No, no it's not," she says, obviously confused.

"You said it yourself. I can't lie."

"How are you doing that? I understand her, but you don't have someone on your shoulder. That's not possible. You're lying to me!" she exclaims and stands up.

"No, I'm not!"

"What are you?" she asks him but turns to you and Dean. "What is he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sam answers.

"Really? I doubt that. I doubt anything that comes out of your mouth right now. You're not human."

"What?" you and Dean ask at the same time.

"You two didn't know that? Now, that I believe," she scoffs.

Right at that time, Sam cut through his rope and broke free, tossing his knife over to Dean. Why didn't you finish first? Maybe you're using too much magic to protect your child that you're not even thinking about untying your binds. Dean works at his while you break free of yours. Instead of joining the fight, you run behind the farthest pillar. You may look like a scared little bitch, but they don't know you're pregnant.

Sam rushes to get the knives from the drawer, and he gets it open and grabs one, but Veritas is quick on her feet. She slaps Sam so hard that he tumbles to the ground and drops the knife he's holding, and she climbs all over him. Her hands go to his throat and squeeze hard. Dean finally gets his rope cut, and he springs to his feet. He's not even looking for you as he tries to help his brother. You both heard what she said, but that doesn't stop Dean from wanting to save him.

There is a pipe on the ground nearby, and since Dean doesn't have the right weapon to kill her, he decides this is the next best thing. He grabs the weapon and stabs her in the back. It, of course, doesn't kill her—it only makes her mad. She turns to Dean with her true face. It's absolutely horrifying. Her eyes are like slits, much like a cat's. They are bright blue, her nose is deformed in the shape of a cat, and all four of her canines are as sharp as a cat. Like you said earlier, crazy cat lady.

This gives Sam enough time to reach behind him where he dropped the knife and gets it. He doesn't waste any time stabbing her in the heart. As soon as he does that, her face goes back to normal. She falls to the ground dead. Now that she's gone, all that's left is Sam. Throughout the fight, Dean grabbed his dog's blood-soaked knife, and now that she's dead, he brandishes the knife at Sam after he'd gotten up.

It's okay for you to come out, and you walk over to Dean with your eyes bright blue. Both of your eyes are trained on Sam threateningly. Before, you thought he didn't have a soul and was only acting this way because of what happened in the cage. But Veritas confirmed it—Sam is not human.

If he isn't, then what the hell is he?

"Dean, Y/N, it's me," Sam puts his hands up in defense as he backs away in fear.

"You are not my brother," Dean growls and starts to walk toward him.

"You're not my best friend," you add.

"Just listen—"

"What the fuck are you?" you yell louder than you anticipated to.

"I'm me, guys. Look, please, just let me explain," he begs.

"Why the hell should I believe anything you say?" Dean shouts.

"Okay, okay. You want the truth? Here it is. Here it is. God's honest. She was right. There's something wrong with me—really wrong. I've known it for a while. I lied to you, and I let you get turned by that vamp. Because I knew there was a cure, Dean, and we needed in that nest! I knew you could handle it!"

"Handle it?! I could've died! I could've killed Ben!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" you yell at the same time Dean does.

"And that should stop me cold. But I—I just don't feel it!"

"I knew it!" you yell in half-victory.

"You what?" Dean asks slowly.

"Ever since I came back, I am a better hunter than I've ever been! Nothing scares me anymore because I can't feel it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think... I need help," he pleads.

And this time, it's for real.

Dean just stays silent and nods in false understanding. He lowers the knife he's holding, but you don't dim the magic in your eyes. You keep a hard gaze on him as Dean turns to put the knife down on a nearby glass shelf. He's pissed, you can tell that by the calm look in his eyes. It takes a lot to get Dean very, very angry. You know this because of what happened before. Sam looks hopeful for the first time since he's escaped the cage, but it's short-lived.

Dean turns around and punches his brother square in the face. The younger brother falls to the ground, but Dean doesn't stop there. He pounces on his brother and begins to beat him viciously. If you don't do something, he's for sure going to kill him.

"Dean! Stop!" you yell and rush over to the two men.

Dean doesn't stop, so you grab his shoulders and push him off Sam. The younger brother is knocked out and bloody, and Dean steps off to the side, panting. You look between both brothers before a realization slams into you with extreme force. You bring your hands to your mouth and gasp loudly. Your eyes go wide with fear because there is something you didn't even consider when you found out you are pregnant.

Dean may not even be the father at all... it could be Sam.

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