Chapter Seventeen

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A few hours later, I received a note from Henri saying that I should dress formally. I settled on a white dress with red ruffles at the bottom. As soon as I was ready I headed to the main entrance.

"Wow" he exclaimed. He was wearing a tux. He looked handsome in a black tux and black bow tie. I had been expecting a leather jacket for some reason. "You look really nice"

"So do you" I patted his chest. "You know how to clean up" he took my hand and twirled me around.

"So do you." He grinned.

"So what are we doing?" I wondered.

"We are going to a Ball" he gave me a huge grin.

"Where will it be?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"In London" he held out his arm. I took a step backwards.

"You know that I'm not allowed off campus" I lifted my hands shaking my head. I glanced around the hall. There weren't any professors present. "I'm going to get repetitions"

"No you won't" he waved his hand airily. "Besides your grandmother won't know. She wont' find out so don't worry about it."

"Henri" I shook my head. I opened my mouth but I really had no excuse. There wasn't an excuse good enough to get me out of going out with Henri. "I can't" I hesitated. Henri took my hand.

"Let me take you out for a fun night" Henri leaned up on his toes.

"Henri, I will get in so much trouble."


"It will be fine, it will just be a whole bunch of Goblins having a Ball" he laughed at his own joke. I merely stared at him even though my lips did twitch.

"" I shook my head frantically. "Byron will give me repetitions if I go. You know that"

"No he won't. It is none of his business if you go off campus or don't"

I opened my mouth to argue with him but he squeezed my hands.

"The boys are going to cover for you, I will get you back here in time for curfew besides" he smiled widely at me.

"The boys know?"

"Of course" he shrugged. "They agreed with me. They think that I should take you out"

"Of course they would" I breathed. They would agree to something like that.

"Look, I will get you here before anybody even thinks that you went off campus." He laughed. "Anyway you are dressed to go out" he looked me over. He lifted his hand; there was a piece of paper. "and I have"

I looked down at my dress. I couldn't help glowering at him.

"We are going to be gone for about three hours. We won't be gone a long time"

I sighed heavily but I nodded.

He jumped on his toes with joy tucking the paper away.

"Great" he held out his arm. "Let's go."

It was a nice hotel, it had been elegantly decorated. It was a formal event, most were wearing their formal regalia and women were wearing There were various Counsel members present.

"It is mostly a Goblin ball but a few Immortals' get invited" Henri whispered hurriedly as we approached his parents.

"We are glad you made it" Mrs. Henri smiled at me.

"Yes, Henri had to convince me to come to the event. What is it about?" I glanced around. Mr. Henri was wearing his formal wear with a black suit and the purple rope.

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