Chapter Forty

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On Friday night we went to the game. The boys had to force me to go so I could get my mind off of Henri. I had vented to the boys but they thought I was being obnoxious. They assumed I was over-thinking my relationship with Henri. It turned that Dragons versus broomsticks was pretty interesting.

It was six large over-grown dragons against six people against broomsticks. It was just like football. It was also really aggressive because the dragons liked to use their talons and tails. They weren't allowed to use any fire.

"Oooh" Ezra grabbed his head tightly. One of the dragons had just flow into the stands. He was wearing a giant cloak with a black dragon. "Damn it, those freaking Wizards and Goblins better not win" he hollered. We were seated on the dragon side. It was surprising that supporters were equally divided. Thomas also had a cloak with a dragon plastered on it.

Thomas hollered with the rest of the supporters. I didn't support either team. I was just at the game trying to have some fun.

"Ouch" I winced as a player got swiped with a talon. "That is dangerous, is that legal" I grimaced, recognizing Ronan. His arm had gotten the end of the talon.

"Anything is legal" Ezra replied quickly. They were both enjoying the game much to my surprise. Well, I shouldn't be a surprise. It was a gruesome game.

The game didn't take long to end with one of their good players injured. Ronan was arguing with the referee about continuing the game. His arm was sliced open but he wanted to continue the game.

"He has got some balls" Ezra chuckled. He had taken off his cloak and was trying to wave it in the air. It was too thick and big so he was grasping it with two hands and jumping up and down.

The Referee blew his whistle and pointed at the dragons. Our side of the stands jumped to their feet with a roar. Even the dragons took off doing victory laps around the field.

The dragons looked ecstatic about winning. There were trainers on the field running across the field.

There were orange, red and yellow sparks going off for the dragons.

Ezra was losing his voice.

"That was fun" he could barely speak. Thomas nodded. He tightened is cloak around his neck.

We were walking down the stands. We saw the players heading to the locker rooms.

"Boo" Ezra turned his finger down at the players as they passed by.

"Ezra stop it" I smiled apologetically at Ronan who was eyeing Ezra. He returned a rude gesture which Ezra laughed off.

"You won't make it to the finals with that attitude, mate" Someone hollered behind us. I lifted my hand at the boys as they made their way to the locker rooms.

Since our curfew was extended, we made our way to the celebration in the boys dormitories. Some of the Dragon supporters had put together a party.

The dragons' trainers were present- their faces and dragons were plastered all over the walls.

"Let me get an autograph" Ezra and Thomas took off before I could say anything. I followed the boys who were shoving pieces of papers at the trainers.

"Do you want an autograph?" one asked me with a wink.

"No thanks" I replied. Ezra and Thomas were talking to another trainer.

"My name is Alec" he held out his hand. He was cute. He was tall and dark haired with bright blue eyes. "SS3" he was a second series third year.

"Iris" I took his hand briefly. "SS1" I answered with a smile.

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