Chapter Eight

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"You are going out with Henri" Ezra nearly shouted in the gym. I wanted to smack him. He was so loud.

"Yes" I answered. Byron, Vino and Drake were walking towards us. We were going to start our sessions with Rupert in a couple of weeks, for now we were going to have extra training sessions.

"Oh man- Byron is going to lose it" Ezra barked with laughter. "Tell him after we are done with training"

"Tell me what" Byron appeared next to Ezra.

Thomas grimaced and he backed away.

"Nothing" I cleared my throat. "Should we get started?"

"You are lying" Byron rolled his eyes. Ezra slowly stepped away too.

"Thanks jerk" I called after him. "I have a date with Henri tonight"

Byron's face turned red. I thought he was going to lose it but instead he took a deep breath.

"Have fun" he muttered. "Alright let's start guys"

I could barely walk out of the gym. I felt like if I wanted to throw up.

"Shit" Ezra complained. "You can't date Henri or Byron is going to kill us."

"I'm not dating him" I tried to punch him but instead I winced. My arms and legs were going to be heavy tomorrow.

"I don't know why it bothers him so much that I'm going out with Henri" I grumbled. We slowly walked to the infirmary. We needed some hot/cold packs. The workout had been brutal.

"Maybe he likes you" Thomas laughed.

"Right" I snorted. My stomach squirmed at the idea. "He just needs to get over Henri."

"You look lovely" Henri kissed my hand. I couldn't help smiling at him. I was wearing a floral dress and I had wrapped my hair into a low bun.

"Thanks, I should apologize now. I'm not going to be very much fun, I'm so sore from this morning" I told him. Henri rolled his eyes.

"I heard Byron was brutal." He chuckled. He held out his arm which I took. "Not to worry, we can have dinner and then maybe walk around the town if you are up to it later"

He was a lot of fun. I had only been out on one date, and that had been with Byron but that had been almost a year ago. Henri was bubbly and fun. There weren't any quiet or dull moments with him. He loved to laugh and smile. I was laughing the entire time with him.

"You look radiant" Henri acknowledged. He also enjoyed making me uncomfortable. "I like your smile" his smile was perfect and wide. His eyes were jumping in their sockets.

"I'm glad I came here tonight with you"

Henri put his hand over mine.

"Me too. I mean in fact I asked Byron for permission in asking you out" my eyebrows sprang up.

"What? Why?" I couldn't help frowning.

"Well I thought there was something going on between you two" he lifted his eyebrows.

My stomach squirmed.

"Two people can't possibly feel that much animosity towards each other without having feelings for each other"

"That's funny" I couldn't help laughing. I clutched my ribs as I laughed. "No, I think we actually do hate each other. Ow" I winced. I was in so much pain.

"Why don't you like him?" he lifted an eyebrow. I felt like if he was asking something else entirely.

"He's a jerk" I automatically replied. "He's rude, obnoxious, he thinks he knows everything" I rolled my eyes. "He's uptight- I mean how long will he keep acting so damn perfect. He's a tyrant during training, you've seen him"

Henri's lips twitched.

"Anyway, I don't want to talk about Byron. I already have to see him almost everyday" I made a face. "Let's talk about something else. What are your plans after you are done with school?"

"Well I plan to join the Counsel, my father wants to retire soon so I might take over his spot" he replied. We finished eating but stayed seated.

"I heard you were being recruited" I thanked the waiter.

"Ezra knows a lot, doesn't he?" Henri shook his head. "Yes, we have been loyal to the royal family for the long time" he smiled. "What about you? I know you are trying to join the Guard."

"Yeah, as you know my dad was a Guardian so that might help my chances" I cleared my throat awkwardly. I needed to relax, it was an excellent cover story but at the same time I felt awful lying to him.

"Well I think you have excellent potential. They are always looking to recruit women since there are so few. You should meet up with the Guardians when they come in the Spring. They always recruit from Weston first"

"Yeah I'll have to do that" I answered. "I should start making connections early." I cleared my throat. "So, want to have dessert. I love chocolate cake"

"You weren't joking when you said you loved to eat." My face started to burn slightly but he didn't seem put off by it. He called over the waiter and he ordered a slice for me and for himself.

"So want to take a walk afterwards? It isn't chilly"


We walked around for awhile. He put his jacket around my shoulders. I was expecting him to put his arm around me but instead he kept his hands to himself. I kept my hands together.

"How much of London do you know?" he asked me.

"Not much, I haven't properly seen it."

"Well let me show you" he held out his hand. "It is a beautiful place" I hesitated but I reached for his hand.

"Thank you, I had fun" he had given me a flower that he had plucked from a garden. I held it up to him. We were standing outside my door. "and I love the flower."

"You did mention that you had never received one" he cleared his throat. He ran his fingers across his hair. "So anyway, good night. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite."

"You are just..." I shook my head trying to find the right word. "Incredible. Thank you, Henri. You have been amazing"

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. I wrapped my arms tightly around him. His hands slowly ran up my back, returning the hug.

"You have been incredible too" Henri whispered. "Thank you for letting me take you out." we both pulled back at the same time. He leaned forward but I turned my face.

"I was hopeful" his breath hit my face. "But maybe next time."

"Maybe" I tried to not smile but I did meet his eyes. He pulled away releasing me.

"Good night, then" he lifted my hand to his mouth. His eyes didn't leave mine as he kissed my hand.

"Good night" I backed away into my door. Henri laughed loudly. "Bye Henri."

"Bye" he released my hand letting it fall. He backed away, his eyes never left mine. I didn't go into my room until he was gone.

I felt like if I were floating. It was an incredible feeling to be able to have so much fun with someone and not worry about anything.

Ares chirped in response agreeing with me. He seemed happy and thrilled that I had gone out with someone.

"He's incredible, Ares." I sighed at him. My reflection caught my eye. There was a smile on my face and my eyes were shining. "He makes me laugh and forget about everything" my stomach squirmed just thinking about Henri. "What do you think?" I was looking at him through the mirrors' reflection.

Ares yawned in response. He was bored with me.

"You are of no help" I laughed at him. He curled up on my bed. "Fine, you could at least tell me if you like him enough so that I can" my voice trailed off.

There wasn't a reason that I shouldn't date him. He was really nice and.... Ares chirped, pulling me from my thoughts.

Ares was telling me to stop over-thinking it. He was trying to sleep.

"Fine" I looked back at the mirror. "We'll see what happens."

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