Chapter Fifty-One

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In the morning I felt like if I had more strength. I was able to travel a couple of more miles but it was still quite a few miles away.

I wasn't even close to the No Travel Zone surrounding the school. In the back of my head, I kept thinking that I should have taken a Wilderness Survival Course. I had nothing but a knife on me. My dress was drenched in blood and it was in scraps.

I woke up with a start. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep. The night sky was above me. It was also cold. My entire body was shivering but I felt something warm over me.

Ares, I called to him silently. He sank his talons into my shoulder. The pain felt rather dull compared to my side.

"She's lost a lot of blood" Nurse Gail was standing above me. Her hand was over my head. "Her temperature has only continued to rise."

I closed my eyes and I was out. Every once and a while I regained consciousness.

"They are okay" Someone responded. I hadn't realized I was talking.

I felt a calloused hand on my cheek. It was familiar rough hands that would be hard to forget.

"I love you, Iris"

My eyes fluttered but I was in some kind of drug-induced daze.

I wasn't sure how much time passed by but I finally opened my eyes. There was some light streaming in from the window.

"You are awake"

I turned to Henri who was seated by me.

"Where are Ezra and Thomas?" my voice croaked. My words were slurring out from my mouth.

"They are okay" he got to his feet and pulled back the curtains. He drew back their curtains. They were both sleeping. "They lost a lot of blood and they-" he cleared his throat.

"They what?" I tried to get up but my everything started to spin.

"They have some wounds, Iris"

I fell back on the loft. I covered my face trying to not cry. I felt something soft and warm land on my chest.

Ares rubbed his head agiainst my cheek.

"They seem to be fine"

"How can they be fine?" I withdrew my hand, shouting at him. "Do you think it" I started to cry. My breathing was loud and harsh. My chest was falling and rising quickly.

"Iris, they seem fine. They are okay. They are only sleeping" Henri approached me but I shook my head. Byron walked in.

"What did you tell her?" Byron snapped at Henri. Byron put his hand on my head and I passed out.

A couple of hours later, I had to get out of the bed. I made my way to Ezra and Thomas. They were both still sleeping. I lifted the covers from Ezra's chest. He had a bandage on his chest. Thomas had another one on his arm.

"They are fine, Iris" Byron replied behind me. "The wounds are shallow"

"How is that okay?" I pointed at Ezra's chest. "It was my fault. If only I had gotten to them faster."

"You did what you could" he held out his hand towards me but I ignored it. "Iris, they are fine. They don't seem to be suffering from any PTSD."

I ignored him. I slowly made my way back to my bed. My side was aching from the wounds. Byron put his arm around me. His rough hands were on my shoulder.

"Get some sleep" his lips barely moved. "You need to rest a lot"

"Rest" I snorted. "How can I ever sleep again?"

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