Chapter One

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"Iris" my grandmother yelled at me. "We are going to be late"

I took a deep breath. I was standing in my room. I was excited to go back to school but I was worried. I looked at three black bands on my arm. They covered up the marks perfectly. You couldn't see any kind of mark. I knew they were there though. I could feel the scars.

I had also gotten a cool tattoo on my side to cover up the other scars from last year. I closed my eyes and I saw them in my head.

I opened my eyes quickly. I hurried out from my room trying to push the images out of my head. It had been a long difficult summer for me.

"Ezra and Thomas are going to meet us at the airport" My grandmother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" I answered. Ares, my phoenix followed me out of my room. My grandmother watched me carefully. I hadn't told her everything that had happened only Ezra and Thomas knew. She knew something terrible had happened to me. I smiled at her. "Ready" I held out my arms. Her eyes flickered to the tattoo. She had been disappointed in me when I had gotten it. She didn't know about the other one. She probably thought it had been my way of dealing with the pain I had suffered. Nobody but Thomas and Ezra had seen the scars. My trainer Byron had also seen them.

"Put a light sweater on" My grandmother ordered. "You aren't allowed any tattoos until you are at least in your third year of training"

"Yes" I could imagine her face she saw Ezra and Thomas. She was going to die of a heart attack when she saw what they had gotten.

I forgot about my fears as we got to the airport.

I could barely contain myself. I was excited to go back to the castle. I was excited to see Ezra and Thomas. I had seen my two brothers almost everyday over the summer. We had basically lived at each others' houses. We had been inseparable.

Ezra, Thomas and I were Guardians. We were going into our second year of Guardian Training. Guardian training was a total of three years. Three brutal years of physical and mental training. We would eventually lead the Guard and guard the Prince when he took over the throne. For now, we were students at Weston Academy. We were some of the few that were going to "apply" to join the Guard. Nobody but a few instructors knew who we were. My two favorite professors Dr. Nan and Dr. Langston knew about our status. Their students knew who we were and so did Rima our Head Instructor. The headmistress from Weston knew about us too but she rarely saw us. We mostly dealt with Rima who was like our Headmistress.

It was the middle of the summer so Ezra and Thomas were walking around in shorts and t-shirts. My grandma let out an irritated sound when she saw their right arms. We had all gotten the same tattoo. Three solid thin black bands.

I had gotten them because they would be simple enough to cover up the scars but Ezra and Thomas had liked them so much that they had gotten some. Ezra had gotten a few more bands on his lower arm.

"Well at least when you do something as foolish as getting tattoos you get them together" my grandmother bristled. She gave them dirty looks. "I hope you don't plan on getting anymore" she put her hand on her chest.

"Can't promise you Andrea" Ezra winked at her. "Besides I think they make us look threatening" Ezra smiled cheekily at my grandmother. My grandmother responded with narrowed eyes. Ezra's fun playful demeanor fell. "I mean- no ma'am not at all."

"Humpf, I will leave you with these two. Don't get any more tattoos" she warned us. "If you get another one- you are all getting my name tattooed where the sun doesn't shine, understood"

"Yes" we replied in unison. My grandmother left after giving us a quick hug and kiss.

"How'd she find out?" Thomas asked. We took a seat waiting for the plane to start boarding.

The Immortal Guardians: Book IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora