Chapter Fifteen

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As soon as I could, I passed the information to Ezra and Thomas.

"OH shit" Ezra sank to his seat. "What the hell?"

"We could go to war any day now" Thomas said in a hushed voice. "And the Queen is gathering a Guard for herself"

"Sounds like it" I rubbed my head. "We are in trouble, guys."

"They want the throne badly" Thomas sighed heavily. "She is doing everything she can to keep it. That probably means killing us first"

"What?" Ezra and I shook our head.

"We are the link to the Heir, if you kill expose the Heir." Thomas replied, he was giving us a look like if we were stupid. "I know we were told to drop it but I can't help looking into it."

"Thomas" Ezra sighed. "You need to drop that"

"No, listen to me." Thomas glanced around their room like if scared to be overheard. "I know an Heir exists....I have a feeling" he met my eyes briefly. "I just know it. We are all linked to him but I think they are covering it up."

"Who the Moirai?" Ezra snorted. He didn't believe a single word Thomas was saying.

"Yes" Thomas smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand. "I think the royal family didn't have time to present the Heir and so they decided it was best hide the Heir until he turns of age."

"You are being" Ezra shook his head.

"Listen, it makes sense. Think about it, when the Royal family was killed, many were killed mainly Immortals- the Guardians were killed. If you knock out the Guardians, then the entire thing falls and so would have the Guard. It would leave the King and Queen exposed and they would be easy to take out" Thomas got to his feet and started to pace. "But, what I don't understand is how they would be able to hide the Heir all this time. The Heir has to be our age plus or minus a year or two......born August but"

"It doesn't matter if the Heir exists or not" Ezra leaned back, cross his legs. "We aren't powerful enough to protect him."

"But..but" Thomas stopped talking. "He is our age" Thomas nodded enthusiastically. "We aren't selected unless there is an Heir born." He stopped pacing and turned to his chest. He dove towards it, opening it.

He started to pull out books and throwing them behind him.

"He's never mistreated a book" Ezra gasped. I was even surprised. Thomas looked really excited.

Thomas pulled a thick book out. It was the book I had gotten him last Christmas. He started to frantically go through the pages.

"I used this book for the essay we had to write last year for Dr. Langston's class. It was on the Guardians anyway, in here there was a small note" Thomas cleared his throat. "Those born during the hour of the Heir, are selected to become Guardians otherwise none will be selected." His eyes flickered up.

"So you are saying" Ezra sounded confused like if he couldn't believe it. Neither could I. "The Heir exists. They find us."

"They find him" I blinked in surprise. "He is in danger" I shivered suddenly, not wanting to accept what we had found out.

"Who could it be, though" Ezra started to pace. "I'm sure they know something, and I think you are right. They aren't hiding him. He has to be among us." Ezra's eyes narrowed.

"We can't let Rima know that we know about the Heir, we would probably get in trouble. I'm sure they will let us know when we turn of age- they can't keep it from us for long" Thomas shrugged.

"They will tell us but maybe we shouldn't be looking into this guys. What if someone gets suspicious" I turned to the window, there was peck on the window. Ares wanted to be let in. He had been acting mysterious lately. He kept taking off and appearing hours later. I opened the window and he slithered in. "and we do put the Heir in danger. We have to make sure we aren't discovered because they find us- they will definitely find him. Lets do what Rima says, keep our heads down and continue to train hard. Our job is to protect him whether we know who he is or not"

"I know but" Thomas sat down. He looked worried.

"She's right Thomas, we can't spend our life looking for someone that we will meet eventually. If he is among us, he is being hidden and I'm sure protected- our identities are protected and we have charms protecting us. I'm sure the Moirai are protecting him and are going to make sure he is alive to take the throne when he comes of age. I agree with Iris, we train hard so when the time comes we are ready" Ezra took a seat next to me. Ares chirped agreeing with us.

"Fine, maybe it is better that we don't know anything. I mean they did try to make Iris talk and they had one heck of a time" Thomas reached over and squeezed my hand. "getting it out of her." I smiled in response.

The subject of the Heir wasn't brought up again for the next couple of weeks. As the Ranks grew closer I got nervous but it was mostly because of the knives competition. I wanted to do well especially since Henri was my trainer. I wanted to make sure I Ranked first. Knives weren't difficult especially since during the first Rank I would only practice aiming and I wouldn't be tested until the third or fourth match.

"We have two weeks until the First Rank" Henri wiped his hands on his pants. He looked slightly nervous which was for some reason cute. We were done with practice, we were going to head to dinner but I had received a note that I should go meet with my advisor. He hadn't brought up the idea of dating again. I was glad he hadn't brought it up again because I wouldn't know what to say. He had stopped suggesting we go off campus mostly because my grandmother had lied for me but I was sure he was going to ask me out again at some point.

"Are you nervous?" I couldn't help smiling at him. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Always" he chuckled. "and I don't' know why since I rarely lose. You?"

"Yes" I admitted to him. "I'm always a wreck before a Rank and even more now that the knives match will be right after the Swords match."

"Well you shouldn't worry because it will only be aiming which you are good at. just remember to fix your stance." He walked with me and then we departed. I would meet him after my meeting with Rima.

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