Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was out within twenty minutes that Henri and I were officially dating. Ezra was in charge of spreading the rumor. It somehow still shocked me that he knew before I had even told them.

We walked hand-in-hand to his class. Even though it was rather awkward since people were staring. It felt nice. I didn't feel so paranoid about people figuring out that we were dating. We were out and about, together.

He didn't seem preoccupied about the staring people but I felt strange. He didn't mind being affectionate in front of others. His hand lingered on my back or on my waist.

He liked taking my hand and pulling me close to him even when we were just walking to class or talking to each other.

A few weeks passed by, it felt like I either spent my time with Henri or with the boys. I only saw Byron during training. He stopped showing up during my knife trainings with Henri.

I wasn't sure if I hated that he wasn't around but one thing was for sure, I forgot about him.

Being with Henri was fun. We were always laughing about something or he was coming up with ways to make me laugh.

"No" I covered my face. My face was turning red. "Henri, oh my god" he was holding a dozen white roses out towards me. We were in the middle of busy dining hall.

My face was burning like it never had before.

"Iris, take them. I'm starting to feel like an idiot" he whispered to me. People were staring at us. I got to my feet and hugged him tightly.

"I love them, thank you" I had a stupid grin on my face. I kissed him briefly and took my roses.

"You two are just roses and puppies full of rainbows" Ezra pretended to gag on his lunch. "How miserable"

"I know" Thomas grumbled at his food. "We didn't know you were so girlie, Iris."

"Shut up" I hugged my roses to my chest. "They are a sweet gesture from Henri, so what's the reason?" I bit my lip trying hard to not grin like a fool.

"Read the note." he grinned. i didn't realize there was note. I was more thrilled that I had been given roses. There were a few other girls receiving roses, but my bouquet was bigger.

I opened the note. It was an invitation to the White Doves Ball, which was going to be held on campus this year.

"So will you go with me?" Henri was almost jumping out of his seat.

"Of course" I smelled my roses.

"Release the doves" Henri got up with a shout. My jaw dropped, as two doves flew across the dining hall and out the window.

"Oh my god" my hand flew to my mouth. Two of the roses were glowing, they rolled up and two small white ribbons appeared.

"You said yes" he shrugged with a smile. He produced two small pins from his pocket. "I've always wanted to do that, by the way" he looked so pleased with himself. He pinned one of the ribbons to my jacket.

"What if I would have said no?" I kissed his cheek.

At the end of our table, one of the roses burst into flames. There was a pile of ashes on the table.

"It would have been a way bigger pile of ashes" Henri shrugged. The girl seated at the end of the table was smiling apologetically up at the guy that had just asked her to the Ball.

There were a few other shouts and doves flew around the dining hall.

"Aren't you going to ask anybody?" I asked the boys. They shook their heads with a grumpy frown.

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