Chapter Fifty

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I cringed covering my ears, tightly I didn't know if it was Ezra or Thomas. The idea of them being hurt- was going to drive me crazy.

The only thing I felt that I could do was curl up in a way so that I couldn't hear them. I was able to pick open all the shackles. I noticed there was nobody standing by my door. I carefully got to my feet and made my way to the door. There was a small window with bars.

I leaned up on my toes trying to see if there was anybody standing by the door. I wasn't able to notice anyone so I picked the lock.

The door opened easily. I poked my head out, there was nobody but I could hear voices coming from the other end of the hall. They had to be keeping Ezra and Thomas nearby.

I was about to take a step out my own cell but I heard a sharp twinkling sound behind me.

"Fine" I told him. I locked the door and went back to my corner. Ares sat down on my lap. He placed his head on my shoulder.

"We can get them out" I was mostly trying to comfort myself. "Everything will be okay"

The screaming had stopped. I was huddled in the corner in the furthest part away from the screaming. There were voices outside my cell but nobody came in. Occasionally I would see someone staring into my cell. It was probably the Duke. I had my hands around my head, trying to muffle the sounds.

It was soon night fall. I picked the shackles quietly. From what I could tell there was someone outside my door. Ares left me, he went to go find which cell Ezra and Thomas were in.

"Don't get caught" I told him. He was to leave if things got bad. It would be worse if he got caught as well. The person in front of my cell occasionally took a break, it was almost nearing his break time.

I settled back in my corner.

"Guard" I yelled at him. His head turned to me. "Let me speak to the Duke" the door opened slightly.

"The Duke is too busy for you" he stepped inside. He was wearing casual clothing, he had a black collared shirt on and black slacks. On his chest was a shield of arms. He was in Charles' Guard.

"At least let me speak to your Guardian" I met his eyes defiantly. He rolled his eyes at me.

"He is too busy as well. What is it that you need?" he asked, taking a step towards me. "Food... water. I have orders to not give you anything." He looked familiar. He had also been with Charles when I had been captured. "Not even a bathroom break"

"That was pretty clear" I snapped at him. The opposite corner of the cell had a small tin for bathroom purposes. "Let me speak him with. I have something he might want" I lifted my knife for him to see.

"How did you get that?" he lunged for me. I pressed my hands against his neck, disarming him. He fell against me.

"Charles clearly didn't train you right" I whispered in his ear. His eyes were wildly staring back at me. I got up and shut the door. He opened his mouth but words weren't coming out. I shackled him. I checked him to make sure he had no weapons on him. "Now stay quiet" I ordered him. The spell would wear off in about an hour. He was a big guy so it would be less time.

My feet didn't make any sounds as I made my way down the hall. Everything was quiet. It was surprising that Charles wasn't around. He was probably taking a break. I gritted my teeth. There was a soft sound from Ares.

He was standing in a room, Thomas was laying face up in a small pool of blood. His hands were shackled to the wall.

"Where is Ezra?" I started to panic. He tilted his head, pointing at the room across the hall.

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