Chapter Four

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The knives competition was nothing like I had expected it to be. There were various different competitions going on at the same time.

"You might want to pick one that you like" Byron suggested. "I would suggest Targets" I glanced at the bullseye targets that they were aiming at. "or maybe even Endurance" he pointed at the three men in different set of glass rooms throwing knives at moving simulations.

"Are they all joining the Guard?" I asked him, intrigued by the endurance training.

"More than likely, some it is just a hobby" he answered. I leaned forward as I watched one of them moving quickly between the simulations. He just kept moving with an endless supply of knives. He didn't miss a single target.

"Wow" I gasped.

"Eh" Byron merely made a sound. "Are you sure you can handle this?"

I met Byron's eyes. He looked worried about me.

"I've got to" I answered. I rubbed my arm. "I have to learn to get over my fears, right?"

"True but maybe we should take it slow" he smiled at me. His eyes were concerned, they were soft and gentle. I looked down at my arm. The three bands covered up the scars.

"I can't keep fearing everything Byron. I fear going to sleep at night because I'm afraid of dreaming about it. I sometimes remember the blade against my skin and I feel the pain, like if it is real" I gulped. "I know they are just memories and they aren't real anymore, you taught me that" I met his eyes. "But you also taught me and you have pushed me into becoming better despite my fears and worries. I just want to get better Byron and I know running away from it isn't going to make it better."

He slowly smiled at me. He nodded once.

"Good. I'm glad to hear you say that. Jude knows to take it easy, he knows what happened to you last year."

I made a face.

"I didn't tell him" Byron lifted his hands up defensively. "I didn't want Jude to train you but that wasn't my call." I wondered how many times he had argued over it with Rima.

"Why not?" I tried to keep myself from smiling. "From the looks of it you don't like him"

"I hate Jude" Byron replied. "Dislike quite doesn't cover it."

"So he's an old rival" I couldn't help teasing Byron. "Why? You are the best at everything, you are the top of your class probably even the entire school. You shouldn't dislike- I mean hate him"

"It doesn't matter why I hate him besides you will only attend two classes with him and the rest of the time you will be with me. I won't get to see him ...only when he needs to report your progress" he paid attention to the competition in front of us. I couldn't help smiling. I snuck a look at Byron and he pointed at the competition with his chin. I did my best to pay attention.

"So where is Jude?" I leaned on my toes. We were going to meet before History.

"He should be here" Byron pursued his lips. We were waiting by the front of the school.

"Sorry I'm late" I heard a familiar voice. I turned to Henri.

He stopped short.
"Iris" he lifted a paper. "Iris Blushing Burke"

"Yeah" I nodded. My face started to turn red.

"You know each other" Byron sounded annoyed.

"You are Jude but I thought"

"My name is Jude Henri, I go by Henri since my Christian mother named me Jude" he sighed with irritation. "So my blusher is going to be my student, wow why didn't you tell me Byron that my pretty girl from yesterday was going to train with me."

The Immortal Guardians: Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now