Chapter Forty-Seven

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I wasn't much in a partying mood but I went with Johanna because she was thrilled that she was talking to Alec who had asked her if she would attend the party later. From the looks of it they were hitting it off. I had told her that we would go to the party and now I had to keep my word.

She decided to wear a short black dress and I settled on a white long dress with a high slit.

To my surprise there were a variety of players present at the party. Henri was with them. He eyed me when I walked in. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't look at him. I could see Lindsay out the corner of my eye with him.

"You guys look nice" Alec complimented us.

"Thanks" Johanna blushed furiously, lowering her eyes. Alec noticed the reaction and a tender smile appeared on his face.

"Want to dance?" he asked her. I smiled at the both of them. Alec winked at me and he left with her.

"Wow, look at you" Byron appeared next to me. There was a drink in his hand. "Whose heart are you trying to break?"

I didn't respond to him. Instead I took the cup out of his hand and tilted the contents into my mouth.

"You are not supposed to be drinking" Byron looked outraged by what I had just done.

"For once could you lay off of me" I handed him back the cup. "I told that idiot over there that I'm in love with him. Do you know what he said? Nothing!" Byron's eyebrows rose up immediately. "Nothing! Gah, I'm a moron" I sighed heavily. Byron put his arm around me and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Its okay" Byron rubbed my shoulder. It was rather comforting to have him hug me. He seemed to actually feel bad. "You probably surprised him, Goblins aren't used to being loved."

I laughed against his chest.

"Thanks, Byron." I patted his torso. "Are you here with someone?" I asked him.

"With Samantha" he pointed at a girl standing with a group of friends. "She and I are getting along which is a surprise."

"Really? Good" I smiled at him. "I'm glad to hear you say that" he nodded, he knew I was referring to the kiss between us. "Byron, I think I need to clarify what happened between us."

"I think it is clear what happened?" Byron and I stepped aside so we wouldn't be overhead. "It was just a moment" he shrugged at me. "It was one of our usual moments that got carried away"

"Yeah, but listen I"

"No, its okay" he rubbed my shoulders. "Iris, I really like Samantha" he looked over at her. There was a smile that I hadn't seen before. It was strange to see him smiling and actually going out.

"And I like Henri" I replied. The kiss between us had been nothing which is why he hadn't brushed me away. We both had moved on from each other. "Can we be friends, good friends because I think I'm going to need someone to talk to about Henri"

"And I about Amanda, I'm going to have to learn to not blow it" Byron chuckled at himself.

"Got you covered" I grasped his arm tightly. He put his arm around me and gave me a one-armed hug. It wasn't a strange-oh-my-god we are going to be discovered feeling, it felt nice. He was my friend which I liked.

"Stop drinking" Byron warned me, Henri was making his way to us. "If you keep drinking, I will give you repetitions"

He nodded once at Henri and he left. Henri gave him a small smile.

"Can we talk now?" he asked in a low voice.

"Sure" I crossed my arms so he wouldn't touch me. He put his hand on my back and led me out of the party.

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