Chapter Twenty-Four

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We went up to the boys' dormitories to watch some movies. I ended up falling asleep since I was still tired from the Rank earlier and the events from yesterday. When I woke up, it was nearing eight. Since we had a curfew even on the weekend. I figured I should make my way to my own room.

I woke the boys up and they made their way to their own room. Many students were still up since it was Saturday night. I waved to a few as I walked by. Luckily, nobody had heard about my excursions off campus. It would lead to questions and I didn't want to answer anything. It would all just be lies.

I poked my head in the infirmary. Henri was fast asleep. Instead of going to my own room, I went to go find Byron. He would still be up grading a few papers.

To my surprise, his door was locked. I turned and he was making his way to his office.

"I thought you would be up" he was carrying a box in his hand.

"Yeah, I am" he smiled at me. His eyes were shining brightly. "Did you need something?"

He sounded indifferent towards me. It made me frown. The way he was acting towards me was bothering me.

"I wanted to talk to you" I smiled at him. "I have a few more hours till curfew" he opened his office door.

"Is it about classes? The Rank?" he let me through. He pointed at some papers on his desk. "I got your results, you did great."

"No" I felt confused. "It was about earlier" I wanted to touch him but I stood rooted to my spot. He had left the door wide open.

His strange distant demeanor was making me feel strange.

"What about earlier?" he placed the box down. His office was unusually tidy. It was unlike him.

I blinked in response at him.

The kiss. You Jerk, I wanted to yell at him.

He had forgotten about it. He had forgotten what he had told me.

"Never mind. You are busy" I frowned at him. I cleared my throat and looked around his office. "You cleaned up"

Tears were coming to my eyes. I took a shuddering deep breath.

"Yeah" he lowered his eyes. "Iris, I got offered an Assistant Professor position" he didn't look at me.

"Oh" I felt like if I couldn't move. I had stopped breathing.

"Yeah, Dr. Nan and Dr. Langston were impressed with the way I had handled the situation. They wanted to extend the amount of power I could have over the Guardians." Byron grinned at me.

"That's great" my heart jumped to my throat. "Congratulations. When do you start?"

I knew the answer to that.

"Iris, look I" he got to his feet. "You mean a lot to me."

"No, no when do you start?" I repeated angrily. The tears were no longer threatening to spill. I was angry with him.

He didn't answer me.

"You took the position" I knew him so well. "When. Do. You. Start?"

"Monday" he replied in a small tone. He wasn't even looking at me. He knew he had messed up. "I'm being moved to the Professor's hall."

I held my breath.

There were so many things that were threatening to spill out of my mouth. They weren't good either. My face had to be kept as passive as possible. He wasn't going to know how I felt. He had hurt me, again.

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