Chapter Thirty

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"There isn't much to know about me" Byron answered. There was an irritated look on his face. He clearly didn't like talking about himself. "You know enough."

"I know that you are brilliant and an excellent swordsmen. Way better than you let on or brag about" I grumbled taking a seat. "And I know you are a workaholic you prefer your studies over" I stopped talking and dropped my eyes. Instead I cleared my throat trying to cover up what I had been trying to say.

"My life isn't all that interesting" Byron replied. I lifted my eyes, he was staring at the thin sheet on the bed. "and I like to work, it has made me who I am today."

"At a young age?" I lifted my eyebrows. "Shouldn't you be having fun and dating"

He lifted one shoulder. He wouldn't even look at me.

"Iris my life has been rather difficult. I had a non-magical father and a mother who should have been non-magical" Byron finally met my eyes. "He was brilliant and like I said awhile back a retired professor and my mother ran a museum. They were both intelligent."


Byron rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to talk about my personal life, Iris. It isn't interesting"

"Yeah it is" I leaned back into the chair. "Come on, besides I don't see them here. My grandmother would have rushed to the hospital so would have Ezra's and Thomas' parents." I lifted my eyebrows at him so he could talk.

"I showed abilities at a young age, really young. I learned things quickly and before I knew it I was making myself known by the professors from here." Byron shrugged. He had an annoyed look on his face. "Dr. Nan actually came to my parents and told them that I could go to Weston at fourteen" Byron snorted, rolling his eyes. "They refused"

"Really?" My eyebrows sprang upwards surprised.

"So, Dr. Nan offered me a chance to work for him and with a couple of scholarships I was able to come here. My parents disowned me at fourteen" Byron shrugged. Even though he acted like he didn't care part of me was telling me that he cared a lot and it was still a sore spot for him. "I see them once a year, for one week during Christmas. Dr. Nan makes us see each other" he lifted his lips in dislike.

"Don't they write to you?" I asked him. He wasn't looking at me anymore instead he was staring out the window.

"No, like I said I was disowned. As far as I'm concerned they don't have a son anymore. They both don't want anything to do with me" he smoothed the sheet with his hand. "I see them once a year and they treat me like a stranger"

"Don't they know that you are the smartest student here and that you are now the best swordsman" I smiled at him, he merely shrugged. My heart felt like it had dropped. "They get my reports like all parents are supposed to but- anyway" he cleared his throat. "It doesn't matter, Iris. I told you, it isn't interesting. My life is rather boring- I work and study."

I understood him now. He worked to pay for his tuition so he could stay here. He was in his way trying to make his parents proud even if they didn't care. I put my hand over his hand. His eyes snapped in my direction.

"Your mother?" I cleared my throat. "Was she a gifted Immortal?"

He pulled his hand away from me.

"Lets not talk about my parents?" he cleared his throat.

"I don't want to pry but today you impressed me beyond words" Byron's lips twitched. "You can do things with your sword and" I was at a loss for words.

"She was an Immortal and an Eller"

The Immortal Guardians: Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now