Chapter Thirteen

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Training, and learning new spells and enchantments took up a lot of time the next couple of weeks. Byron was keeping us busy and we finally started to meet with Rupert, our schedule grew hectic. I was passing out as soon as my head hit my pillow, and I had to drag myself out of bed the next day. I was able to sleep peacefully for weeks, and since my training was taking a lot of energy; I rarely had panic attacks.

Things changed when we had to learn the disarming spell in Professor Curt's class. It wasn't difficult but I didn't like it when it had to be practiced on me. It caused serious nightmares for me. Professor Curt was being patient with me but I felt that I needed to try harder.

"Are you alright?" Professor Curt asked, he handed me a teacup.

"Yes" I sighed heavily. I was exhausted. The last few nights had been sleepless. I had stayed up most of the night reading to avoid any nightmares.

"Are you sleeping?"

"yes" I lied. He narrowed his eyes recognizing the lie. "" I admitted to him. "I have been avoiding any sleep."

"Mmmmm" Professor Curt seemed to be deep in thought. "What if I taught you to fight off the spell. I think that would be helpful."

"Really" I put down my teacup, excited. "Can you do that? I mean could I learn something like that, I'm not a Witch." We were only taking basic magical classes. It was only material that we could do.

"It will be difficult for you but it shouldn't be a problem. I would talk to your advisors if they will allow it. It could benefit you immensely." Professor Curt took a sip. "It is rather disadvantageous for Immortals to be disarmed" he shook his head with a small frown. "especially the gifted ones."

I agreed with him. It had been one of the worst feelings in the world. The entire time that I had been disarmed, I had felt hopeless.

"I'll talk to my advisors" It would be that I would have to ask permission from Rima and probably Byron.

"Let me discuss it with them as well" he made a note on a paper pad. "Who is your advisor?"

"Erm...let me discuss it first..... if you don't mind, so I don't take waste your time. Let me plead my case." I wanted at all costs to avoid giving him Rima's name. As soon as he heard her name, he would know who I really was.

"Sounds reasonable" Professor Curt scratched out the note he had made. "We will discuss it when you have talked to your advisor.

I knocked on Rima's door. She knew that I wanted to see her. I didn't need to make an appointment with her.

"Come in, Iris" she called. I took a deep breath.

"I wanted to talk to you" I walked slowly to her desk. She had a few piles of paper on her desk.

"Yes of course. How are your classes?" she smiled kindly at me putting her pen down.

"Great, I love them" I answered. I smoothed my hands across my jeans. "We were learning disarming in Spells and Enchantments"

"Yes, yess" she nodded. She waited for me to continue.

"I know I need your approval and your permission to do other things" I hesitated. "I would like to be taught to fight off a disarming charm" Rima's eyebrows sprang up. she hadn't been expecting that question.

"Iris, you aren't old enough or at that level yet" Rima took a deep breath. "Professor Curt only teaches that type of material to wizards and Witches which you are not. Besides he can't know who you are- I will need approval from the Keepers" she gave me a small smile.

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