Chapter Thirty-Six

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My leg wouldn't stop bleeding for a few days so I had to make sure I had plenty of Non-Bleeding Ointment handy at all times.

Henri couldn't stop laughing at Thomas and I. He was just as shocked that Thomas had disturbed the Mer-people for some scales.

"That's love right there" Henri eyed Thomas necklace. King Egerton had been right, the scales were moldable when melted. Thomas had made two really pretty necklaces. We were seated in the dining hall opening our presents.

For Christmas, Thomas had given me one of the necklaces which absolutely beautiful. It was thin blue and greenish just like the color of the sea.

Ezra had given me a nice set of knives. Ezra's parents had sent me more chocolate sweets which were my favorite. Thomas's parents sent me more jewelry for Christmas. I was starting to think that they asked my grandmother for advice because they probalby had no idea what to get me.

My grandmother sent us three gold brooches with a Phoenix imprint.

"These will look sick with our cloaks" Ezra held his eyes up to see look at better. He eyed Henri momentarily. "Are we supposed to be the Phoenix" he cleared his throat. "Guard or something"

"No offense to erm the bird but I favor a dragon" Thomas shrugged. He was trying to play off the brooches. Ares was attached to Thomas, I could see his eyes from Thomas neck.

"I like lions" Ezra put his brooch away. "Anyway what did you get us, Henri?" he turned expectantly to him.

"Your gifts wont' arrive for a few more weeks, my Uncle is making them."

"Goblin made weapons" Ezra's eyes lit up. Henri nodded enthusiastically.

"But those are the best- made in the world."

"Yeah my Uncle is Taron Henri" he wiggled his eyebrows at them.

"No way" Ezra and Thomas slapped palms.

I was at a loss. To me weaponry was all the same but apparently not.

"I'll send them to you as soon as they got them, I got Iris a really nice silver and black knife. We got some daggers made for you Ezra and a silver tipped bow was made for Thomas."

"You didn't tell your Uncle what you think you know, right?"

"No of course not" Henri put his arm around me. I leaned onto his shoulder. "I just told my Uncle that my students needed some weapons and he was thrilled to make them. He loves making weapons whenever he can. Anyway, I'll have him visit. He can meet you guys, you will be important in a few years and you'll need him." he nodded. He got to his feet, holding his hand out.

"I have something else for you" His eyes were shining. I could only imagine what he had put together.

Ezra and Thomas put their arms around at each other and ooed at us.

"Shut up" I took Henri's hand. "Go away."

"Don't forget the Scavenger Hunt is about an hour" Ezra told us. Thomas and Ezra started to serenate us as we walked away.

"We'll meet you back here in an hour " Henri waved at them.

"What is it?" I squeezed his hand. I leaned up on my toes and kissed his cheek.

"You'll see" We walked slowly because my leg was hurting. I had to limp alongside him as we made our way outside. The sky was darkening quickly. A storm was coming. We made our way to the farthest end of campus, there was a small trail that had been made.

"Wow" I looked around. There were lights around the trees, surrounding a small empty space. "Henri did you put this together?"

"Ezra and Thomas helped me last nigh to prepare it" he grinned. He held out his hand which I took with a huge smile. It was beautiful. They had done a great job setting up the lights. There were various little lights floating around. I realized they were pixies.

"You even got pixies" I exclaimed. I lifted my hand, two settled on my fingers. They were whispering to each other and looking at Henri.

"They are even flattered" I smiled at him. They took off giggling. Henri held out his hand, music started.

I turned to find Ezra and Thomas turning up some speakers. They lifted their hands and took off.

I put my hands around Henri's neck.

"Why are you doing this?" My eyes narrowed. Henri cleared his throat and a sheepish smile appeared. "What is it?"

"Don't be mad, okay" Henri held onto my hands. "I have to leave for the next two weeks for the Counsel"

"You just got back" I tried to pull my hands away from him. Henri squeezed my hands tightly.

"I'm sorry but there is a lot going on right now" Henri leaned forward to kiss me. There was no use in arguing with him. I could get mad at him and pout but he would leave anyway. I met his lips halfway.

"I really am sorry, Iris. My dad needs me"

"Its okay" I met his lips again. "I should understand. You have lots to do and you enjoy your work"

"I love my work, Iris" he grinned at me. Whenever he talked about working for the Counsel, he got a spark in his eyes. "My dad is going to retire in two years when I graduate and he is prepping me"

"What about training?" I sighed heavily. I had done well the last two Ranks.

"I have told Byron, and he knows what you should be practicing. Besides I won't be missing too much, it will just be one week of training" he brushed my hair backwards. "He doesn't seem to mind that I'm leaving"

"Of course not" my mind floated to the last couple of intense conversations we have had. They always occurred when Henri was gone.

The moment was gone so we walked slowly back to the castle. It was rather tense between us but I had to be understanding. It was his job.

"What will you be doing?"

"Well, we are meeting the Druids Chief and the Shaman Master. My dad is going to introduce them to me. I think they will be visiting in a month or so, my dad mentioned something. They are coming to meet with the Mer-King. We are making rounds trying to get people to calm down. The Wizardry Minister is also going around talking to folks, the Warlock Lords are causing trouble. There are rumors that they are gathering an army but insiders say it is not true. I think it might be Charles causing trouble."

"Hopefully" I answered thoughtfully.

"Also" he lowered his voice. "Many leaders are getting to meet with the Non-magical Representative to discuss who will take over the throne of the Immortals. That meeting is set up for next August."

"Really?" I frowned. That was strange. "Already? The Guardians are named until after the Winter Solstice"

"Yeah, I thought it was weird too they must have someone in mind because they keep mentioning a King. I'll know more details and I'll let you know but I thought you should know. Pass it on to Byron, he should know because well the Guardians have a few more months."

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll let him know." I frowned at the news. So, Thomas was right. There was a Heir and we would find out who it was in less than a year.

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