Chapter Seven

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Henri at down next to me during dinner, I was surprised, the Second Series students didn't normally eat with us.

"Hi" I smiled at him.

"Hey" he smiled back. "Hey guys, I don't think we have been properly introduced. My name is Henri" he introduced himself to Ezra and Thomas. "You are the one, Byron hates. Byron has been intolerable during trainings. Nobody can stand him."

Henri chuckled.

"He has his sword stuck far up his ass" Henri looked over at the Second Series table where Byron was seated. There was an ugly look "What are you guys doing tonight? Some of my buddies are having a Basement party" he lowered is voice. "out under the stables if you want to come and stop by" he glanced at me.

"Sure" Ezra nodded. "that will be fun."

"Alright, so it is by invitation only. Don't invite anybody else" he gave me a small smile. "Just Thomas and Ezra are going with me" I replied.

"Good" he looked at them. "Alright, guys. I will see you later tonight. Dress up, it is a really big party"

"Yeah" I cleared my throat. Ezra and Thomas were watching me.

"He likes you" Ezra squeezed my cheeks. "Iris has a boyfriend."

"He isn't my boyfriend" I muttered too loudly. I smacked is hand away from my face. Heads turned our way. "He is my instructor"

"No he isn't, he isn't even an assistant instructor. He is a first year Second Series student. He is just really good at knives. His father is a Counsel member and his grandfather was in the Guard. He is going to be a Tactical advisor for the Council. He is already being recruited but he wants to finish his studies."

"Why doesn't Byron like him? Sir-knows-a-lot" I always wondered how he knew so much. That information I hadn't even told him. Henri had only told me. He knew just about every single rumor going around the school.

"Byron is a genius, everybody knows that but there has been one student that has ever knocked him out of his stop spot and that has been Henri who is younger by two years guess in what...." Ezra's eyes gleamed.

"Knives" I asked.

"Nope Swords" Ezra chuckled. "Dr. Nan had two students Henri and Byron. Henri ended up leaving it because he wanted to advise instead of join the Guard. He out-ranked Byron for the top spot a couple of years ago."

"Byron was second in something" i raised my eyebrows surprised. "He looks like the type to get butt-hurt about placing second. Reminds me of someone" I tilted my head at Thomas. Thomas was first right now in our classes. Thomas gave us a dirty look.

"So are we going or not" Thomas wasn't paying attention to what he was eating. He seemed more interested in what was going on at a different table. "It might do you some good to socialize" Thomas suggested to me.

"Yes and no" I shrugged. "I want to do but then again I don't. It seems troublesome especially for me"

"How about we go" Ezra looked so happy to be going to the party. "if you don't like it we can leave. Besides Thomas wants to go, the hippie girl he likes is Second Series"

Thomas face got red quickly.

"She isn't a hippie, she is a faerie" Thomas retorted, annoyed.

"There isn't a difference" Ezra deadpanned. Unfortunately, he was right. Faeries absolutely loved the environment which was great but it got to a point that it was starting to annoy everybody. "Besides I think my freaking hot ass Siren is going too"

"You guys are too young for them" I rolled my eyes at the boys. "Fine we can check it out but if I burn the place down. It will be both your faults and Henri's"

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