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"Ow!" Bakugou hissed. "Why you little son of a-"

"Bakugou, calm down." Todoroki told him. At the moment the two teens were working on theit homework at the apartment's kitchen table with the robo baby between them in a high chair. "It's just a baby."

"Yeah, a robot baby! A weirdly realistic one!" Bakugou huffed. The baby robot looked at him before flipping him off. "Where the hell did he learn that!"

"Language," Todoroki shook his head. "If he learned to flip you off think of what else he may learn."

"Whatever," Bakugou mumbled before looking at Todoroki out of the corner of his eye. "So, you and Kirishima?"

"What about us?" Todoroki asked without looking at his homework.

"The two of you are going on a date, right?" Todoroki nodded. "So you cheating on me?"

Todoroki's head snapped to look at him. What did he just say? Cheating on him? Where they together and he didn't even know? Wait of course not! He would know if that was the case... Did Bakugou know the mystery texter was him?

Bakugou started laughing. "Oh my gosh! Your face! I was kidding Icy-Hot! I was just making a joke out of our assignment!"

"Oh," Todoroki looked back at his homework before checking his watch. "Speaking of Kirishima and I, I need to get ready for that date."

He got up, closed his notebook, and left the the room to get ready. Bakugou glanced at him, and saw Todoroki's phone light up. He stared at it. Should I? I mean if we're going to live together we have to respect each other's privacy. The humanoid pomeranian thought.

Eh to Hell with it, he grabbed Icy-Hot's phone and unlocked it. He really needs to change his password, insert eyeroll. The blonde looked at the most recent text. It was Nicholas.

Can I come over?
I got a problem, and you might be able to help.


Bakugou quickly placed the phone back, after noticing about ten miss calls from someone named "Blood Sucker."

After a few minutes Freezer Burn walked back into the room wearing only pants with a towel around his neck. Water droplets fell down neck and pale chest. Without realizing it Bakuhoe was staring and his eyes started going lower.

He quickly shook his head. He was having total strange thoughts, total not straight thoughts. But this single thoight was so strong it busted it, like word vomit.

"So," Bakugou started and Todoroki looked at him as he grabbed his phone. "You're hair is red and white, what about your p-"


The apartment's doorbell rang. "Can you check the door while I throw a shirt on?" Bakugou nodded, and picked the robot baby up. They already learned not to leave him alone.

Todoroki headed to throw a shirt on and was wondering what Bakugou was going to ask. It kinda bothered him, he decided he'll just ask when he got home later tonight.

Bakugou popped up in the bedroom doorway. "Hey Icy-Hot, Kirishima is here." Todoroki nodded and started to leave the room, but stopped to kiss the robot baby on the forehead. Although it was a robot he still wanted to give him some love. "I figured out a name for him."

"Really? What?" Todoroki looked at the shorter male.

"Jamie." Bakugou stared back.

Todoroki smiled a little. "I like it." He looked at Jamie and then Bakugou. "I should be back around ten."

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