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Jamie sat on Bakugou's shoulders smiling from ear to ear. "That was so awesome! I mean like really! I wish Haniko and Yuki could have seen that! I hope to be a Pro Hero just like Grandpa Enji!"

Todoroki swallowed the lump that was in his throat. If only Jamie knew the truth he wouldn't be saying that.

Both about being quirkless and Endeavor...

The walked over to an ice cream stand and waited in line. Bakugou places Jamie down. "You looked pretty mad back there."

"Of course I was." Todoroki huffed. "Jamie could have been killed, what was going through that man's head?" He looked like he wanted to hit something, but calmed down once Bakugou placed a hand on his shoulder.

Something seemed off though about Bakugou. "Why have you been so nice to me the past few days?"

Bakugou frozed. He could answer honestly or say half of the truth. Half of the truth for half n half! "Well your friend died, we now live together, and have a kid to take care of." He shrugged. "Don't want to make the kid sad now do we?"

Todoroki nodded before getting them ice cream. "You got a point." He looked down at Jamie and handed him a chocolate ice cream. "Here you go Jamie."

"Thank you Daddy." Jamie smiled brightly.

At Endeavor's house

Enji sat across a sad looking Lemon. "So you slept with the bird dude even though you only went out like once or twice."

"No!" Lemon blushed as she quickly looked up. She didn't want to sound like she easy. She looked back at her tea with a sad sigh."I- I had a boyfriend back in America. We slept together, broke up, and then I found out I had to come here."

"You should tell your par-"

"No!" Lemon looked at him again quickly. "I- I can't do that. Plus I'm actually eighteen so who knows what they may think." She shrugs.

"I thought you were seventeen." Enji pushed. Was the teen lying to him?

"No, I'm eighteen. People just thought i was seventeen because some messed up paper work so I went along with it." She explained and looked at Enji before taking a sip of her tea. "I need help."

"Lee-Yang... Why did you come to me?" Enji asked very curiously. Anyone else, knowing his history, would think it was a crazy idea to ask him for help.

Lemon bit her lip before answering. "I don't really have anyone else to go to. Nathaniel is sick and I don't want to worry him, Tokoyami I don't want to scare him off because I might not be pregnant, and honestly you are the only person besides those two I trust at the moment."


"Lemon. Call me Lemon." She told him. He nodded and the continued to drink their tea. "Will you go to the doctor with me?"

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