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Ukayo Mitni is the oc of is_space_bubblegum also if I don't add any of y'alls OCs in this book I might put them in one of the sequels.

On the way back to the Todoroki resistance Jamie fell asleep. Todoroki carried the child deep in thought about everything going on. Jamie had no physical evidence of having a quirk when he went to the hospital, but now... There was clear evidence he did and it terrified him. What if Enji does the same thing he did to Shoto and his siblings to Jamie?

He sighed and Bakugou took his hand. Bakugou squeezed it a little trying to calm the taller male. Todoroki smiled a little and noticed a Japanese bobtail cat starring right at them. It's tail swished back and forth as they kept walking. He felt a little more at ease because thoss type of cats are supposed to be good luck, right?

They reached the house and he saw Lemon leaving his house... In his mom's old clothes. "Thanks Enji! I'll give these back after I wash them!" She quickly left like she was in a hurry.

Todoroki looked at Bakugou confused and he shrugged. Todoroki gave Jamie to Bakugou and went inside. Bakugou took his son to the room Jamie was staying in.

He heard a hushed argument in the other room and instantly knew something wasn't right. He placed Jamie in the bed and tucked him in. He light brushed his son's white hair with red and ashy(ashey?) blonde tufts/specks.

He honestly couldn't believe this was his kid. He lets out a sigh, kisses his son's forehead, and leaves to see what was going on with the two Todoroki's.

While he was walking down the hallway he noticed a photo on the wall. It showed Shoto, a boy who kinda looked like him, and a girl with grey hair. Under the picture it said Shoto, Ukayo Mitni, and Touya.

He was a cute kid. Bakugou thought as he saw Shoto's picture.

He kept walking until he reached the living room to see a raging Shoto Todoroki glaring at Enji. "Why was she wearing her clothes?" He asked anger dripping off of his voice.

"She spilled something on her clothes and they're in the wash. She had to go somewhere in a hurry." Enji tried to explain.

Shoto's anger only went down a little. "Why her's? Why not F-"

"Your sister's clothes are no longer here." Enji glared as he replied. "It was the only clothes she could fit. Now it was eather that or leave her covered in tea."

Shoto was way calmer after that explanation. He was still a little uneasy about the whole Jamie having a quirk thing. He headed to his room and Bakugou followed. The taller male just wanted to sleep.

He felt completely drained from the day. From what they found at the apartment, from Jamie having a quirk (a strong one apparently), and Lemon wearing his mother's clothes. He just felt drained of life and energy.

Bakugou saw Todoroki lay down on the bed and curling up in a blanket. Bakugou layed next to him, pulling him close. He didn't want to leave his side and Shoto gripped his shirt tightly. He didn't want Bakugou to leave his side. He felt like crying from stress, but didn't want to let the tears falls.

His tears betrayed him and fell. Bakugou rubbed his back, he felt his heart sink at the sound of his crying. Little did the two know something was wrong with Jamie in the other room.

Jamie opened his eyes looking around the area he was in. He was standing on top of a tall pillar and down below was water. Soon the pillar crumbles away and he's on the ground. He sees two men and runs after them, but they keep getting farther and farther away.

Jamie runs into a glass wall and sees the two men, his parents, on the otherside. They turn around and look at him. "Dad! Daddy!" The two don't hear his calls as they fall backwards off into the dark abyss.

Jamie falls to his knees crying as he watched them fall. "N-no!" He feels a hand on his shoulder and he felr a calmness watch over him. "What does this mean?"

"It means you must die." A voice whispered.

Jamie quickly sits up in his bed and sees a Japanese bobtail cat starring right at him from the foot of his bed. The cat's stare sharpened and it ran away before jumping out the window.

At the Mineta household

Tokoyami sat on the bed he was sharing with Mineta. He just couldn't process everything that happened that day. First he found out that Mineta liked photography, second they got a call from the school saying Haniko was cussing, third Mineta got accepted into a university in American.

"I thought you wanted to be a hero." Tokoyami mumbled once Mineta walked into the room. A toothbrush was sticking out of his mouth and he was putting a shirt on.

"Hmm?" Mineta glanced at him as he buttoned on his pjs.

"I thought you wanted to be a hero." Tokoyami repeated hinself.

Mineta looked down before looking back at his acquaintance, he wasn't really sure if the bird boy counted him as a friend. "I used to."

"What changed?" Tokoyami asked. He was interested in knowing Mineta's story. Why did he want to go to university? How did photography become a hobby?

"I-" Mineta sighed and shook his head as he head to the bathroom connected to the room. "Life did."

"What do y-"

"I don't want to talk about it, alright?" Mienta told him. He seemed off and closed about the subject. "I-it's just completed!" Even though Tokoyami couldn't see it, he could tell the boy was about to cry.

Mineta walked out of the bathroom, grabbed a blanket and pillow, and started walking to the bedroom door. "Where are you going?"

"I'd feel more comfortable sleeping on the couch tonight." Mineta whispered before a loud crash of thunder clapped. He jumped a little and walked back to the bed and hid under some coveres. "Nevermind." Tokoyami heard his muffled voice.

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