Yakeru And Hibiki/Theories

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I think I should explain my two OCs real quick. I will explain more about Nicholas later on.... There will be a lot of him later, but not much of these two.

Name: Yakeru Ito

Age: Same age as the class 1A students

Quirk: I call it Reverse

Explaining the quirk: He can reverse time and jump through time/space

Down side of the quirk: He can't do it that far back because he still has trouble controlling it. He can only go back, not the future.

Favorite UA Staff Member: Aizawa

Sexuality: Gay

Hero/Villain Name: Reverse Card (Denki picked it for him)

Name: Hibiki Budou

Age: Same as the students of class 1A

Quirk: I call it Simon Says

Explaining the quirk: He can get anyone to do a song and dance for as long as he wants.

Down side of the quirk: Whatever song and dance he wants them to do he has to do it to. If he stops they stop.

Favorite UA Staff Member: Present Mic

Sexuality: Gay

Hero/Villain Name: Boombox

Now if you have any theories about the future chapters please comment! I'd love to hear them. You might be way off though.

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