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A/n: halp. I can't stop shipping two of my characters. Liam and Sam... Why must you be adorable?!

Todoroki was hoping it was a dream. The fire happened out of no where, but luckily everyone was okay.

"This is fu-" Bakugo shuts his mouth once he noticed Jamie stir a little in his arms. His forehead had a little sweat on it. "What are we going to do?" He whispered as he moved the kid's hair out of his eyes.

"We need to find a place to stay until the school builds a new apartment place..." Todoroki replied.

"Maybe the old dorms." Bakugo suggested.

"That's a no go." Tokoyami walked over his Hankio on his shoulders. "They are using the dorms for the freshmen, that's one reason they had this whole family project."

"Shit." Bakugo said under his breath.

"Fuck." Haniko smiled. Her dad sighed while the TodoBaku family stared at her with confusion, hoping she didn't know the meaning of the word. "I heard grape dad say that, I over heard him on the phone saying he does it."

"Well grape dad is a liar." Tokoyami told her.

-later because author-kun is lazy-

Todoroki hated this idea, but it was the only choice... His credit card was in the fire so he had to do this, for at least one night.

"Your room, just how you left it." Enji grumbled as Shoto opened the bedroom door. "Well except the bed, something happened so I had to replace it."

Shoto almost cringed. He didn't want to know why he had to replace it. Bakugo walked up behind them, Jamie was in the living room watching some kid show.

"Alright." Shoto replied and glanced at his dad. "So Bakugo is going to sleep in one of my siblings rooms or?"

"The couch." Enji replied. "He gets the couch, it's a pull out. Jamie will be sleeping in the guest room." He shrugged.

Shoto wanted to ask why Bakugo couldn't sleep in his sister's or one of his brother's rooms, but decided against it. He didn't want to start an agreement right now.

"Tomorrow we'll be hopefully in a hotel or something. We will be going back the the apartment to see if there is anything that survived the fire." Shoto explained and Enjoy nodded before he started to leave the room.

"Oh, and Shoto?" Enji turned to looked at him. "Stay as long as you need." He said as he walked down the hall.

"Okay." Bakugo broke the silence that Enji left. "What is with your old man?"

"I'm- I'm not sure. He isn't himself." Shoto replied.

With Mineta and Tokoyami.  Look I know nothing about Mineta's family so if I get anything wrong I'm sorry!

"Out of all the places we could stay and it had to be here?" Mineta grouned as he shuffled up the stairs.

"It was your idea." Tokoyami told him as he tried to help Mineta bring a mattress up the stairs.

Mineta sighed one they got to the top. "I know I know... So my mom said we have to share a room. She turned my old room into a fitness/mini bar thing. Let's get this into the other guest room."

"Why does your mom have two guest rooms?" Tokoyami asked as they walked down the hall.

"Just incase someone stays with a kid. It's a kid room, my little cousin used to stay here all the time." He replied once the reached the second guest room. It was fot for a kid and they placed the mattress into the bed frame.

Perfect for Haniko tonight.

"So..." Tokoyami started when he looked away from the bed and at Mineta. "We have to share a bed?"

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