12) Bakugou

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I kept playing the voicemail over and over again. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place the voice. "I know it's not Deku..."

"Hey Bakubro!" Kirishima knock on my door and I almost threw my phone. "Mina, Denki, and I are going to a café. Wanna come?"

"No sh-" I stopped for a second, and went to open the door. "Yeah actually. I need to take my mind off a few things."

Kirishima gave me a look like he was about to ask, but shrugged it off and nodded. "Alright bro. By the way the café is a brand new cat café." He smiled and started walking to the elevator. I followed, and saw Mina and Denki already waiting for us.

"Hey Bakugou!" Mina smiled and Denki was looking at his phone with earbuds in.

"Hey." I nodded to Mina. We all got into the elevator, and right when the door was about to close Mineta got in. I rolled my eyes and put my hands in my pockets.

"Where you three headed?" Mineta asked as be glanced at Mina was busy looking as a magazine.

"A café." Kirishima replied and the grape nodded. I looked over Denki's shoulder to see what he was looking at to see he was watching some anime with animals that were wearing school uniforms.

Time skip cause author is tired

"I don't really understand why you came with us." I huffed as we sat in the café with Mineta.

"I wath bored!" He defended himself. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window while resting my chin on my hand. I over hear Mina and Denki talk about the anime he was watching and Kirishima was at the counter talking to a barista.

After a few minutes he was back. "Guys! That barista mentioned the weirdest thing!"

"What did he say?" Mina asked looking away from Denki.

"He mentioned what life would probably be like if people were the opposite of themselves." Kirishima chuckled. "I'd probably be an introvert." He shrugged.

"I'd be sad all the time." Mina smiled.

"I would probably be." Denki thought for a moment. "Actually I don't know what I'd be like."

"I don't know either, but I know what Mineta would be." Mina smiled ince more and Mineta looked at her confused. "Not a pervert and asexual."

"Bakugou what about you?" Kiri smiled.

What would I be like? To be honest I don't know what I am like now. Do any of us really now ourselves or are we just stuck in a paradox called our own mind?... I need to stop talking to Icy-hot and bird boy.

"He wouldn't have anger problems and a god complex." Mina mentioned.

"What did you just say?" I glared.

"I rest my case." She giggled.

A few minutes go by, and they are still talking about of dimensions and stuff. I got up and was about to go outside when I walked into someone causing coffee to go all over us. From the looks of it it was iced coffee. "Look where you're going." The guy whispered and started picking up the coffee cups. I bent down to help him and grabbed the tray they where on.

"Sorry." I huffed.

"Doesn't sound like you are." He mumbled and I glared at the guy to see he had dark brown hair, brown eyes that looked like melted chocolate chips, and an almost unnoticeable scar that was on his lips. His name tag said 'Nicholas'.

Wait... What if it was the Nicholas that knows Icy-Hot? No, what would be the chances they know each other? I heard a ding sound come from the café entrance to find the devil himself. "Nicholas, you alright?" Todoroki asked as he walked over. He looked at me then back at the other guy.

"I'm fine Todoroki." He grabbed the last cup shard and headed back to the counter. "I need to get back to work, but we can go on our date after my shift." He said monotonous.

I quickly walked out of the café. "What was that?" I asked myself as I kicked a pebble, and stuffed my hands into my hoodie.

I sent a quick message to Kirishima saying I was heading back to the dorms.

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