Sneak peek at Book Two

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The Girl with the Peacock Hair


Oh Gods. They were going at it. Again.

And no, I don't mean fighting—I mean that they were having sex. Loud Sex that, even from this pole that I was bound to, I could hear from this living room that they called a home.

It had been almost a fortnight since Freya had brought me here, after seeing that I had lived through the hell that had transpired only a week prior. Kait had unleashed me, and Freya was totally disgusted by that fact. Freya hated that we had both ascended.

This place looked like a tornado had hit it, destroyed everything in its path and then some. The lights were knocked out and in broken shards scattered on the floor. It reeked like absolute shit as if Elizabeth allowed this person to own a pet and then the person left said pet unchecked as it went and soiled everything in its sight and wasn't taught any better. The carpeted floor below me was covered in the foulest colored stains that I honestly didn't know if that was the carpets actual color or if they had allowed it to get fucked up the way it had.

I could hear their loud moans through the walls. And it was disgusting as it could ever sound. Words alone could not describe the amount of abhorrent feelings that I was forced to live through as I was trapped here.

Even now, as I struggled furiously to break free of the handcuffs that trapped my wrists, I was also thankful to still have my clothes on me—even if the person in this room thought entirely different.

"Psst," I called to the girl that was in the room with me. She had been the one who overpowered and tied me up. Honestly, as she was doing it, I think she could have shagged me. "Hey. I need to use the loo."

Zie were built a little like Sam and had a figure a lot like Kait. Tall but very slender. At first glance, zie was a gangly five feet five inches tall. Zie also had the most beautiful hair that I had come to witness. It was a rainbow mix of colors that resembled the colors of a peacock. Zir face was beautifully as well as delicately framed.

Zie was wearing jeans with a pride belt that was wrapped around them and then fell off to one side. Zie also had the most earth shattering, blue eyes. Bold. Confident. Not one to take orders, but rather one to command.

"And why," I could hear zir snarky attitude come out. Zir eyes told me that she wanted something. Something that zie desired; possibly me. Again. Zie tilted zir head from side to side, just watching me like a hawk. "should I unchain you Dimitria? For all you know, you could escape, and then force a chase?" Zie were sitting on the countertop bar that was in the kitchen, which was also directly in front of me. There also a light behind them that lit up their body just slightly. I could make out some of the finer details about them.

"Are you really going to deny a girl her basic human right to use the loo?" I pouted at Zir.

They let out an exaggerated huff of annoyance, knowing that I had a point. "Fine, what the fuck ever." Zie jumped from the counter they were sitting on, coming towards me. "Make this quick."

"What's your name?" I asked Zir, as zie worked the cuffs free. "I am curious and well, if I'm gonna be trapped here, I want to be able to know the name of the person whose been caring for me.

You know," I paused, taking a deep breath and at the same time, remain as candid as possible. "I'm trying to be respectful to you as a person, since I can tell that you are just like one of my lovers. Someone...who doesn't have gender to be defined by."

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