Chapter 27: Freya & Frigga: To Reweave Fate

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To Reweave the Fates


I thrusted my sword into the body of the poor fool, as he screamed in agony, who decided that it was a good idea to block my path. Little did he know what he was dealing with.

He never stood a chance. No one ever did.

They all met the same fate—just like all the rest. No one dared opposed me; well...not until Dimitria and her little friends.

I swore that the only reason Samantha was spared was not only because she was a Valkyrie, but she was spared since I wanted her to have a front row seat to the destruction that had recently occurred. And yet, Kaitlyn had evaded with her life.


While Elizabeth had delivered the dagger into her stomach, she was naïve. She had prolonged Kaitlyn's life for far too long now—and now...she was on the precipice of her own demise.

She could no longer run from her destiny. Yet, she didn't look fearful in the slightest.

I was there when she revived Olivia, and at that moment, I knew.

I was there when she spared that stupid black ops team member, and I knew again.

And while I had watched from afar with holding Dimitria hostage, I saw how easily Samantha had overpowered Olivia and knocked her out cold; not quite killing her. Yet she sent me a message all the same.

Olivia could have easily died. So, why did Samantha spare Olivia to begin with?

Why did they all hold back? Why weren't they going all out against us?

Had I missed calculated something in my attempt to reweave the fates?

Had I missed the most critical detail of all, in this?

That, we had someone who was trying to defy and game us all the same?

As a made my way through this toxic and deplorable place, another man stood in my way, blocking the path towards Voro.

Smiling, I stabbed him; my blade easily puncturing his flesh and withdrawing it all the same, seeing it now soaked even further with human blood. Just whimsically flicking it dry as I could.

Tch, mundane people.

They knew nothing of what the Gods did to persevere their life. They didn't appreciate the finer things in life. All they did was take everything for granted and think everything was replaceable. They never thought of consequence of what their actions would bring for them.

However, very soon, the mundane world would be caught up in the darkest war that they had ever seen. Very soon, the mundane world would be on the precipice of the coming onslaught. And they were futile to resist it.

For nothing escaped the darkness. Not even Kaitlyn and her annoying friends.

No matter how hard they tried.

Walking down the hall, covered up by the all-white hood that covered me head to toe, my daggers clinked on my belt hitting into my side ever so lightly, just create a hollow ringing sound that was barely audible that you didn't even hear it. Not unless you had superhuman hearing. My white boots clicked against the tile floor, being completely silent as well. Which was a surprise given all blood and dead bodies that I had been leaving in my wake.

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