Chapter 13: Samantha: When Panic Sets In

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When Panic Sets In


I had asked Freya, as we had left the Casino about the twins; to see if they could become like me. If there was a possibility of turning them into Valkyries.

Since at this point, I knew that the more numbers we had, there were better odds that could potentially shift in our favors.

"What you are asking Samantha," She hesitated, knowing the dangers. These weren't exactly treated as easy processes. Like me, you had to be trained all your life, and hope that you also carried the bloodline, or if you didn't that you were worthy enough to be a part of the army. "is very risky; dangerous even. Even you know that—what you are asking, cannot be done."

"Under normal circumstances, yes," I agreed with her. Again, I was taking on this risk. But what else was there? If Elizabeth were truly out there, then two of us alone, would not suffice. We need more. And we always travelled well in numbers. "However, these are not normal circumstances; these are normal times. We have to get ahead of her."

"I understand that warrior, however," she replied, clearly seeing that I was remaining adamant about it.

"They trained with Kaitlyn their entire lives. You even acknowledge their magic is potent. Why are you hesitating on this? The way I see it—its...its cut and dry."

"Be that as it may." Freya lamented, not quite frustrated but she was certainly hinting that she was not happy. The lines on her face had contorted themselves into swirls that almost made her upset. She studied my facial expression, beholding my chocolate brown eyes that were penetrating her right now. "Fine. I see no sense in dragging this out. You are right. We need help, and they have been trained." She sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. Bring them both to Asgard the moment you have a chance," She turned to walk away to deal with other matters of her own accord, and then she looked over shoulder at me. "If what your saying is true—then you're right. We haven't a moment to lose."

She was right about that—we were running out of time. The longer we kept getting distracted and our attention averted from our goal, the more the real threat grew and hung over us.

During the ride to the base, where we were gathering our surveillance equipment, I was getting Claire caught up on what I had pulled Freya aside for, and she like me, agreed that we needed more numbers on our side.

However, she cautioned that the more numbers we were amassing, there could be more traps that were waiting for us.

That though, was just something we had to chance on.

We didn't have much else now. At least nothing concrete. All our leads either got shot dead or were suddenly vanishing out of thin air, just as quickly as they appeared. Which wasn't helping us any.

I couldn't imagine what Kait had ran into since we had been separated from each other, and if she went through anything like I had—or if she even lived at all.

Claire had told me that she managed to escape somehow after the ordeal she had with Julian, which just seemed to keep giving and giving with ever stopping. And she tried to look for Dimitria after everyone had been split and managed to escape, yet she had come up empty.

Which lead me to two possibilities. Either Dimitra did manage to escape and find a way to lay low until she wanted to contact us, or she had been chased after and captured again. And given the recent string of events, and how they've been unfolding, either was likely, although, I had money on the former.

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