Chapter 9: Kaitlyn: Bound by Birthright

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Bound by Birthright

Memories Suck. Especially mine.

For as long as I can remember, I've made to either remember the dark horrors of my past, or in one way or another—relive them.

And trust me when I say this: Reliving your darkest, most traumatic memory—it can scar you deeper than you might not realize, or it can retrigger those long-forgotten pains that were once buried to become stronger.

However, to me, they were nothing more but a reminder. A reminder of a life of darkness.

And a life of pain.

However, this memory for evoked quite a different response.

It was the spring of 1714, and I was only eleven years old; I had overheard voices that were coming from our grand hall within the Danish Circle—the places where our leader, the one who had given me something more, delivered messages.

Our entire palace—if one could call it that, was lit all the way through by candle lights that were constantly burning, and never giving out; the lights also giving way to the patterned cobblestone that was mixed with the stained-glass paintings that had also been carved into the floor.

All along the walls, and on the floors, were stained glass paintings that were elegantly designed; depicting figures that were clashing with other beings for power and control. Behind them, were the phases of a setting sun.

Behind Laci, who was caretaker, there was one final depiction—a stain glass image of a beautiful woman riding a horse through the sky, and behind her were expansive wings sprouting from her back.

"You are mad?!" Erik had been angry with Laci, as they were discussing something. "Listen to yourself woman," He hissed. "You're talking about is...a...lie."

"How?!" Laci yelled, forcing him against the wall, holding him by the collar of his robe. "How is it a lie? When everything that I was—I can see in her?!"

"ENOUGH!" He screamed, grabbing her throat in retaliation. "I will not allow you to poison her mind with the thoughts or beliefs' that she's.... this...shield baring maiden, who is one of best warriors for Freya. ABSOULTELY NOT!"

"And how would Freya think, if she heard that coming from you?" Laci asked him, watching him flinch at the sight of her name.

"He would be in some deep shit, that's what." Freya spoke as she appeared from the portal that came out from nowhere. "And he knows the promise he made to me. To Odin. To Asgard. He knows our way of life, just you do. You've upheld your end, raising the girl. He has not."

He reluctantly forced himself to bow. "Freya..." He breathed. I could tell even from my young age; he feared her. Downright intimidated. "We...weren't expecting"

"Shove it!" Freya snapped at him. "You were told to raise her. Protect her. Train her since you and I both knew Erik. I told you this would happen."

"Enough, your majesty." Erik venomously replied. "Enough with this bullshit nonsense of her being one of you. She is not."

"She is, by birth and blood. It's in her nature."

"She is my property. I will make the decision that is best for her."

Freya pulled out a sword and pointed at his throat. "DO NOT...TELL ME WHAT IS BEST FOR HER." Freya sharply yelled. "She is only here because..."

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