Chapter 20: Alissa and Lauren: The Girl Who Raised A Dragon, Part 1

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A Girl Who Raised A Dragon, Part 1


As soon as Elizabeth had used her magic portal to escape, I took my moment and snapped the handcuffs—that they had used on me and Kaitlyn—free from the pillar and falling hard on my stomach.

I knew I was still recovering after being revived by Kaitlyn's magic, as I laid stunned for a moment; my body trying to get feeling back relatively quickly.

However, the delay was short lived. For as soon as I l crashed Julian and Sophie reacted and raced towards me swinging their swords at me, and I had to duck and dodge each of their swings and strikes as I was forced onto my back.

Without even thinking, I blitz them with my own magic; magic that was far stronger than they knew.

The resulting blow from my purplish hued flame, connected with them, knocking them flat on their back as the shockwaves also were strong enough to smash the windows in the room. The glass exploding and sending fragments everywhere.

Again, it was short lived victory.

They hastily got back on their feet, and once more I had to gather more energy, more magic to strike them down this time. However, as I threw it at them, they dissipated into black vapors and disappearing into the rain-soaked sky.

My blast though, connected with the wall, triggering it to start giving away to the foundation.

I knew that I had to free my fiancée, Kaitlyn, yet now, while her injury was severe, what Elizabeth wanted to do to everyone else, was more of a priority.

I raced over to the right side of the wall, by the door we came through and check the timer on it.

It read forty-five minutes.

Fuck, that was scarcely enough time to get her and myself out of here, and at a safe enough distance to escape. Even if we could for that matter.

I hit the little communicator that was still in my ear.

"Lauren?!" I screamed, while still rocked with intense emotions. My panic, my anxiety was really starting to kick in. "Lauren? Brittany? Anyone can you hear me?"

It was a second, but Lauren's gentle, but surprised voice came back. "Alissa? Oh my god!" She sounded just as panicked as I was. However, where was she? "I'm glad you're alive."

"Well, Kait and I aren't about to be here soon." I said as my anxiety got worse. "Elizabeth has this building set to go under, in less than forty-five minutes; not only that, but Elizabeth also invoked Kait's trauma about her mother before she stabbed her with a dagger."

"Is she still breathing?" Lauren asked, conveying her concern.

I instantly went back to Kait and check her pulse. She was breathing; however, she was losing more and more by the minute.

In the interim before I gave her an update, I used my magic and smashed the handcuffs that had been locking her in place. Once I got her free, I held her in my lap and back to the same pillar that she had revived me from.

"Barely," I came back to Lauren and told her, trying my damnest to remain emotionally stable. "I have to tell you something."

I clued her in on how our separation anxiety got worse and literally took me to the brink of death, to where I wasn't responding to everyone. I also told her how Julian and Sophie had realized that our connection was far stronger than what they thought it would be and while they hated us, felt very humane in our plight.

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