Chapter 12: Kaitlyn: When Demons Invade

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When Demons Invade


I was being dragged by the castle guards after I had completed with my sword training and other weapons that day.

As the flames around the room lit the stained glass underneath my feet, I resisted and tried to fight them off, even managing to break free once running towards the space I had called my room, before the sound of their armored boots clacked against the ground and eventually kicked me in the back causing me to stumble and fall short of where I was running.

I had to get away.

I had to get away from them—this was a time where I knew what Erik wanted, and every time I resisted, or even put a show of resistance, I was beaten to near unconscious levels, barely having enough stamina to fight back even more.

As they advanced, my caretaker Laci sidestepped in between them.

"Move Caretaker" One of the guards spoke to her, his voice booming from his helmet. "She is summoned by the King himself."

"I will not stand aside." Laci defied them, blocking their way to me. "She is a beautiful young lady, I will not you to take her to Erik so he can defile her any more than he already has."

"If you won't move," the other guard spoke, his voice sounding like parchment and sandpaper. "We will move you ourselves with force and you will not like it."

"You want her?" She looked back at me, as I cowered from behind my bed. And then she looked back at the guards. "you'll have to kill me first."

I watched as they raised their metal staffs and savagely bashed her to the ground, to the point where they knew where she would not be of any more trouble to them; but they knew if she died, it would be their heads, so they had to just enough to remove her for a little bit.

They had me cornered and I wasn't able to run; with their spears drawn at me, they yanked me by each arm, dragging me out from the room, through the foyer and into the headquarters room of our elder and ruler—Erik.

His room was expansive as it was deprived of any real meaning. It was barren all around, stone as far as the eye could see.

A few trophies and tokens as present for his time of storming various countries as he sought out the race of what I was training to be. So far, he hadn't yielded any results since we were told nowhere else held other people who had warriors training their families for the Valkyries.

I just had a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

They forcefully swung his castle doors shut and left me alone with him. The ruler of my life, and the one had given me something, for when I had nothing, for a steep, steep price.

"Kaitlyn," He purred as he grinned wickedly, his sharp teeth looking directly at me. "Come closer." He gestured me with his hand.

"She put up a fight, and the caretaker got in the way. Again." The first guard that had knocked Laci unconscious spoke. "So, we had to subdue the caretaker."

"She will always get in the way." Erik replied with disgust, and anger. He knew that Laci was my protector, along with someone who oversaw my training. At least, when I was here on Midgard. "However, for now, you are here." He gazed directly at me. "And that's what matters. Now," he craned his neck to the bed, becoming angered that I wasn't already moving fast enough. "Get up there and prepare for me."

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