Chapter 31: Elisa: Non-Binary

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We came down from the Bifrost landing near the lawn again as I took sight of something. Turning my head, something to me, felt different.

It was like I could sense another presence; or maybe I was sensing multiple people close to us. Even though on the way down Sam had managed to keep her cool in check, I could sense that she was completely unsettled. Something about what happened up there, what happened with me, and my sister had put her completely on alert. And until we got through this last stretch before us, I had this feeling that she would be ultra-protective around me and my sister. More so me since I was literally tied to her.

"It's okay," she put her hand on my shoulder, and even though she was tense, her touch relaxed me. "It's people we can trust." She looked at me. "The Queen had called me a while back and informed me that she was coming down."

"After what happened up there..." my words drifted through my teeth. Even I was still on edge. "You have to admit, I'm gonna be totally on edge."

"I don't blame you." A very serene voice called out.

I looked over and as best as I could, bowed to show the Queen respect. After all the stories Sam had told me about changing her life, she irrevocably deserved it.

"Your Majesty." I said respectfully. "I am sorry, I was guard off guard; forgive me."

"Oh nonsense." She replied in a very posh like manner. Her British accent being strong. "I was just sitting here with Vaughn, wait for you lovely ladies to return, and it just seems that our luck struck our fancy together." She chortled. "I see that you and your sister both survived your Ascension."

"Barely," Sam replied once again holding on to me. Trying to ease me. "Freya and I almost dueled for the stunt she tried to pull on the twins."

I raised an eyebrow to Sam. She didn't cuss in front of the Queen. "Is this a new Sam before me? You usually have a flair for cussing."

"The Queen is different." Sher assured me. "I tend to...embrace another side of me in her presence."

"Have I seen this side?" I giggled. "Cuz seeing you as a Queen, would be something."

"Indeed, it would be." The Queen cut in with laughter. "Already she is a strong Princess."

I walked with Sam as we drew closer to the Queen, however with Mikah carrying Ali on her back, we had to get her inside so she could rest and then Kaitlyn could potentially awaken my sister, and then she would be like me—a true blue Valkyrie.

Coming next to her, I took my sister from Mikah who felt relieved to have Ali off her back—not that it pained Mikah, but Ali wasn't exactly the lightest of all. Even Kaitlyn had her struggles back in Lake Havasu City when they were trapped in the situation they were.

As I worked with Sam and had Ali between us, Mikah had sat down at the table in the kitchen trying to catch her breath, as I went towards the bedroom, when Lauren's voice called for me.

"Elisa babe." She poked her head out from behind her bedroom door, the lights shining brightly. "In here."

Nearing her room, I could see why they decided to keep themselves holed up in here. Lauren's room invoked a sense of calmness and respite, yet still had her own unique charm about it.

She literally had a thing for ancient history, since I could see maps hung up all around her walls, along with various rainbow related items also hung on the walls. She had a lava lamp that also lit up to different colors. Strung up across the room were beaded lights that looked like they were either tacked into or stapled into the wall, emitting a dim brightness that also slowly strobed all the colors that it could. Pink, purple, red, blue, green, yellow, even orange.

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