Postlude: Enter Stage Left

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Enter Stage Left

Gender Neutral Voice

They entered through a portal that they made with the magic they had. Dropping through it, they could tell that a battle had been waged and quite possible won—by the right people whom with they were working with. Hopefully, Elizabeth had done her part and started exactly what she had said she would. Otherwise, this was going to be a dicey affair from here on out.

Their peacock colored hair shone through the darkness of the place, even though it had been dimmed from the resulting fight.

They made their way over to where Elizabeth's database was. Where she had kept the files and secrets of what "Phase I" was truly about.

That was the thing, no one truly did.

Well, maybe they did. However, this wasn't the time to caught up in the details of things. They were here for another reason. They were on a mission. A mission that Elizabeth had started. One that now they had to finish.

It was all going to plan. Their plan at least.

They saw someone stirring as they made their approach and they only smiled as they watched the futility of their struggles. It was pointless to keep fighting.

From what they had gathered only hours before, they were told that Elizabeth had gone across the pond to make the preparations she needed to make the dream of hers a reality.

They saw a girl running towards her with a sudden burst of energy and she even tried to attack them head on but all they did was catch the resulting attack and throw her to the ground.

As they said. Weak.

The fight that these women must have been involved it took them to their absolute limit and then possibly even then some. Elizabeth was good like that.

She always pushed people to their limits and then if they lived, punished them for living. Dimitria had been through a few rounds herself, and yet up until recently, had survived through all of them.

However, after tonight, that would change.

However, after tonight, Dimitria and Kaitlyn would cease to exist. They would make sure of that.

"Who are you?" the girl yelled to them. "Why are you here?"

They ignored her and continued to work on the computer that was in front of them presently, knowing exactly why they had come.

The hard drive, if it had survived the night, as well as the fight. The hard drive was key to everything.

"You lovely ladies are in for a treat." They spoke with a haunting laugh as they continued to work on the computer, and finally had the hatch for the hard drive and pulled it out with a forceful yank of their grip. They shoved it away into a backpack that was on their shoulders. "This place is rigged to blow, and you're perfectly in the spot for the building to cave in on you." Again, that haunting laugh. "Enjoy your last moments among the living."

They pressed a button and then immediately skipped out of the room before they could get caught up in the ensuing blast.

As they walked away the blast went off behind them, and the building started to give way, making screeching and groaning noises as the structure strained to maintain the weight.

Ravaged An End of Days NovelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz