Chapter 8: Samantha: Compound Fracture

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Compound Fracture


As soon I had managed to get the girls evacuated from the hookah lounge, and managed to scare away Joshua, I went to check on Brittany—who also was unconscious, but she was breathing, and then I saw her come back to reality, slightly dazed.

"What happened?" she asked me. She curiously looked around. Not seeing everyone. Not Kait, nor the others. "Where is everyone?"

"I got them out." I told her in a steady breath. Trying to hold back my emotions. "They're safe."

I looked with her over at the dead body of Adrian, and I couldn't help feeling like it was my fault. Like most tragic events that seemed to happen to me.

Ever since I assumed the role of being what I was—a Valkyrie, I never felt like I was good enough to their standards. I never felt worthy of being such a warrior.

Not until I saw Kaitlyn, and all the hell she had gone through

"Aw, how touching." Her silky voice, which was also as calm as a spring breeze, echoed all around the dark room. "You and Brittany, side by side, ready to die again. Breaking you—body and spirit will be something for me to take immense pleasure in."

Rising to my feet, I tried to remain calm. But I knew better—that was no longer possible. She had to pay.

She took a life.

I owed her for taking one.

"Come out you fucking coward!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the area. "Or are you that much of a spineless woman that you only strike when you see it's convenient."

Just then, a force of energy struck me so hard that I was thrown through the air by at least three feet and losing my sword from hand in the process.

As I crashed into the brick side of the wall, she advanced towards me as she started to swing her thick sword down and through the shock that I was reeling from---I hastily clamored for mine, and reflectively blocked her blow which caused a loud clanging sound to reverberate through the place.

However, it was.... enough.

It had bought me enough time for me to get to my feet. And I could sense that she was bloodthirsty for revenge since I stood her up for death the last time.

She continued her assault once more, with a long, thick broadsword in her hand. It looked like it was twice her weight and would typically slow her down, but she moved fast despite it.

She swung at me again, and this time I had to duck and roll away to avoid taking a hit from it. As I rolled on my side, I had to also watch to see what tricks she could try to pull off.

The darkness didn't supply me any advantages. If anything, it made this fight severely out of favor for me. I had to make sure that I could keep my eyes adjusting to the dim light that this building had.

She flew at me with lighting quick speed and caused it to where I had to roll to my left to avoid her strike, but in doing so, I knew I couldn't dodge her strikes forever—I had to go on the offensive.

I had to find a way to twist the odds in my favor. And quickly if I wanted to avoid killed alive by her sword, and her extremely potent dark magic.

Scanning the area as quickly as I could, I looked for things that I could take advantage of so I could manipulate them. Then I saw it; the trashcans back towards where the tables were, and where we also trashed Olivia's vape mod that I still couldn't understand how it drugged her.

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