Chapter 23: Samantha - Aftershocks

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I watched as Lauren and the others rushed inside the surgery center, hoping that that they would be time to save Kait. Ayden was resting on down the road, keeping watch for anything that she could kill and then eat.

Meanwhile, Claire came out from the shadows she was hiding from and came to check on me. She could tell that I was still rattled from what happened earlier.

The hospital going under. Kaitlyn being stabbed and fighting for her life.

Lauren using her magic so openly to revive her. Me almost smashing Olivia to a pulp for everything that she said. And also did.

"How are you holding?" She sat down next to me in the back of the SUV as struggling to grasp what I just went through.

I looked down at my hands, and still couldn't believe I had attacked her. Still couldn't believe that I had gotten her blood on her my hands.

Yet, I had. And apart of me couldn't fathom attacking one of the family in such a manner that I did—yet I did. And...I was happy about it.

"Tell me that I was wrong?" I told her as I collapsed into her hold and broke down. My body decided to quit at that point. "Tell me that it was wrong of me to beat the shit out of Olivia?"

"Why would I tell you that, and crush your feelings even more?" She replied, pulling me in closer to her. "To be honest, she deserved every blood and bruise she got." I felt her brush my hair with free hand. "You're beating yourself up over it."

"I hate seeing you like this." She reached under my eyes and dried the tears that were falling. "I hate seeing you feeling like your inferior, when you're not."

I scoffed at that remark. "Tell that to Julian. She broke me to pieces in a way I had never been." I looked at her with my stain-glassed tears swelling in my eyes. "Tell that to Freya, to Elizabeth, to anyone who has fucking consistently been trying to put us down!"

"We haven't been ahead since the start." Claire added on, noting my contempt. She held on to my hand and me more. "Even when I was with D, we weren't ahead. We never have been."

"How did you escape?" I asked her. "And even better how didn't they know that you betrayed them."

"They won't know it yet." Claire nuzzled up against me. "They have their hands full trying to keep the base from being overtaken from Elizabeth and company." I looked at her with wide eyes, quite not following her. "What?" She let a girly giggle out. "You thought Lauren wouldn't hook me up with earpiece?" she pulled her out, held it out in her hand. It was exactly like ours. Small. Easy to conceal and fit like gauged piercing. She played around with it, until it fit snuggly in the cartilage of her ear. "I had Lauren make mine differently. I wanted mine to entwine with my industrial bar." She let her soft pink hair down. "Mine was constructed the same way the bracelets were. Able to capture audio."

"So, it also doubles as a communicator?" I asked.

"It is." She nodded in agreement. "Yes"

I admired Lauren's craftsman ship and looked over the shining pink bar and where she made sure that locked in place at both ends with tiny little balls that twisted in place. The more I admired the work, the more I felt myself getting heavy.

Heavy with emotion. And attraction to her.

At first, I fought myself, since I knew how much she loved Dimitria, yet I couldn't help myself, nor stop. I wanted her.

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